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Brian Bendis Says No Miracleman At The End Of Age Of Ultron
When we originally said that Age Of Ultron #10 would see a non-Marvel character join the publisher, everyone guessed it was Marvelman.
Then it was revealed it was Angela, courtesy of Neil Gaiman. And everyone insisted that Marvelman would be joining her.
On last week's Word Balloon podcast with John Sientres, Brian Bendis addressed this directly. When talking about the Angela announcement…
I know that some people were annoyed that it got announced and not just shown in the book, and I had my dithers it would have been shown in the book, but boy it's not the world we live in…
You're like obligated to give stores a heads up and literally even if you call the stores privately and tell them, this is the issue you want to keep an eye on, it goes right online, it just goes right online…
It's not even the store owners… some of them are lovely, 99% are lovely they keep to themselves and they're happy to have that insider information if that's what you want to call it, they know which book to order that gives them a heads up on their competition…or lets them run their business. Happy to do it.
And there's this 1% who run to the internet, or run to Rich Johnston, or run to Jonah and just start yelling on message boards and spoiling for everybody, and it mixes the message, no one knows what to trust, or it gets telephone right, all of a sudden Neil Gaiman and I are married, you've seen that happen too, guys, none of what you are saying is true. And Rich is one of the people, there are other people too, who, they get half of the story…
So, that's an element of it too, you all of a sudden you hear whispers around the internet, that people are already spoiling it for everybody, so now you you have to put the story out the way you want to, before it gets out of hand, this is what the story is, suddenly your story becomes something else. A perfect example.. It's Miracleman. It's not Miracleman, if Miracleman was coming, believe me, you'll know when Miracleman is coming.
You want to ge the story right, you want to let the stores know what they need to know, but it's almost impossible to tell the stores without telling the hardcore fans.
Of course, he says Miracleman, not Marvelman. But I don't think even Brian would be that mean.
But just so that Brian knows, I got the Angela information from a comics pro, not a retailer and went to Marvel with it before running anything. They asked me not to run the story as was, so I this ran instead. I was happy to hold the Angela news, but Marvel then arranged with the New York Times to run the story, so then I ran this afterwards. I don't think I had half the story, I think I was pretty accurate and not wanting to spoil things for people. Probably more than some people would like…