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Posted in: Comics | Tagged: bombshells, Comics, dc, dc comics, entertainment
The DC Comics Mostly-Male 'Bombshells' Covers… From 1997
Last night, Bleeding Cool was the first to run 16 of the DC Comics "Bombshells" covers, designed by Ant Lucia and appearing as variant covers on DC titles in June.
But the female focus of these vintage sexualised style images made some wondfer if there was an equialent for the menfolk of the DC Universe. Well there was, kinda, ish.
Okay, it wasn't exactly the same. It wasn't as sexualised. And some women were included too. But in 1997, DC published a line of annuals themed to "Pulp Heroes" with the covers to match. And this is what you got…
Thanks to FilmBuffRich for the idea!
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