Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: abslom daak, bbc, Comics, dalek killr, dalke, doctor who, leak, marvel, marvel uk, Steve Dillon, steve moore, workprints
A Doctor Who Comic Book Character Is About To Enter TV Canon For The First Time (SPOILERS)
This is an article with a spoiler in it. Not only that, but it is a spoiler derived from the workprints of the first episodes of Doctor Who that leaked, courtesy of BBC Hawaii.
I have not watched the episodes in question or read the scripts and, watching this weekend's episode, am glad of it.
But one reader sent in a flash frame of a scene from Episode 5 that may have wider implications. And making a Doctor Who comic book character part of TV canon for the first time.
He only saw it by accidentally freeze framing it. So consider this something to watch out for in the broadcast version. If it stays in, that is.
Okay, that should be enough spoiler space. Here, from a scene showing a series of Doctor Who villains and characters from the past is…
… Abslom Daak.
Created by the writer Steve Moore, who died earlier this year, and Preacher artist Steve Dillon, Abslom Daak first appeared in a strip in Doctor Who Weekly, published by Marvel UK. And he was an absolute revelation for the world of Who. A sadistic murderer, Daak was sentenced to either vapourisation, or being sent onto the frontlines fighting Dalek hordes. Armed with a chainsword, he saved a Princess from a Dalek army tht he slaughtered, only to have her killed by lone Dalek survivor. Vowing to exterminate every Dalek in the galaxy, his subsequent adventures would see him raining violence down upon every Dalek he could find.
As well as comic strips the character would appear in further Doctor Who comics and novels and further Doctor Who comics over the decades, including his own graphic novel, and lines of is turned up in the revived TV show in 2005, such as "Whatcha gonna do now, big shot? Suck me to death?" in Dalek and "I'm gonna kill every last stinking Dalek in the galaxy!" in Bad Wolf.
There have been a number of attempts to give the character his own series but publishing politics brought them to naught. But the character remains much loved, his strips collected in one volume, and in four weeks time, make canon in the Doctor Who universe.
I'm not exactly sure if it's what Steve Moore would have wanted. But it's certainly a nice touch.