Posted in: Comics, Cosplay | Tagged: comicon, cosplay, phoenix
The List Of Objects Banned At Phoenix Comicon – What To Do With Your Proton Packs
Following up a report of a man arrested at Phoenix Comicon for carrying real weapons, with a subsequent ban on a number of cosplay items, the official ban list has now been increased and solidified. Phoenix Comicon director Matthew Solberg gives Bleeding Cool their new guidelines:
Please arrive with plenty of time. Our enhanced security procedures include magnetic wand and backpack checks. There will be lines and we appreciate your patience and understanding.
The three access points for entrance into the Convention Center with those who have a valid badge:
- West Building entrance at 2nd Street, between Washington and Monroe.
- Third Street at Washington
- Third Street at Monroe
For those who need to collect their badge from registration you will ONLY be able to use the access point at Third Street at Monroe.
Con on Third will no longer be open to the public, and will require a valid badge to enter.You may request a refund by emailing As all staff and crew are onsite running the convention we will not beginning responding until after Phoenix Comicon and anticipate it may take thirty days or longer to fully process all refund requests. Please be patience and thank you for your understanding.
The following is the prohibited item list at the Phoenix Convention Center during Phoenix Comicon as determined by the Convention Center and Police Department that has been drafted and approved this morning. This language is direct from them, and we hope will answer many of the questions and concerns that came up in the past eighteen hours.
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Illegal drugs
- Weapons of all types, including Simulated Weapons.
Examples of prohibited weapons and simulated (Prop weapons) weapons include:
- Edged weapons (swords, knifes, throwing stars etc.)
- Impact weapons (clubs, bats, staffs, nunchaku, shields, hammers and martial arts weapons)
- Firearms
- Archery weapons (cross bows and bolts, bows and arrows of all types)
Weapons from fictional sources (Light sabers, plasma weapons, laser, phasers etc.)We thank you for your understanding. Have a great time at Comicon.
Wands, sonic screwdrivers, plushies, masks, fairy wings, empty holsters, signs attached to costumes, fur suits, cardboard made costumes and non-weapon props, dishware associated with costumes, empty quivers, hats and helmets, Power Ranger Morphers, and umbrellas, by example, are allowed.
Ghostbuster proton packs are allowed however the Neutrino wand will need to be disconnected or permanently attached to the pack.
Any items not specifically listed here are subject to security discretion and may or may not be allowed.
We understand these are last minute changes as a result of recent events.
We appreciate your patience as we continue to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all our patrons and we look forward to a great event.
However, one attendee, Nick Zinn, tells Bleeding Cool:
"I'm a fifth-year attendee that flies in for this event from Wisconsin but was denied entrance due to my wallet. I was not in costume or cosplay, but my wallet has a small chain on it and they deemed that a threat. I've had this wallet for decades with no problems getting onto aeroplanes, sports stadiums, concerts, foreign countries, etc. They are overreacting since I went in with no problems yesterday and to turn away customers due to carrying a wallet is absurd."
Good luck everyone…and be careful with those wallets. You could take an eye out with one.