Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, HRL, trans representation, transformers
Transformers: Lost Light #8 Features Trans Women Transformers
It wasn't that long ago that all Transformers were, de facto, were referred to as male. Hasbro decided that they were "boys' toys" and so there was no room for female robots.
But boys (eventually) grow up (some of them). In later iterations that changed, and female Transformers characters emerged. They were initially seen as aberrations, but eventually gained a presence — albeit a minority one — within the Transformers universe of comics, toys, cartoons, and movies. They were (slightly) more than Smurfettes.
And of late, we have has trans and non-binary Transformers as well. Transformers: Lost Light by James Roberts and Jack Lawrence has been a pioneer in the way Transformers have portrayed themselves regarding gender and romantic intent.
Hence, this week's issue with art by Priscilla Tramontano and Joana Lafuente featuring Transformers Anode and Lug, talking about their expressed designations. In previous issues they had been presented as a male or gender-neutral couple.
A little corrective misgendering, followed by an explanation for the paucity of female Transformer robots.
It's what happens when you step out into the big wide world, and the possibilities available to you expand exponentially…
And then business is done, new terms are defined and accepted, and on with the plot. Anode and Lug, two trans women transformers together as a couple. I mean, if any media IP franchise should have trans representation, it should be one that actually has the word in its name. Robots in disguise no longer…
Transformers: Lost Light #8 is published this week by IDW Entertainment.
THE HUNT IS ON! Ever lost something and spent forever looking for it? Try visiting Troja Major, the lost property capital of the universe. Just bear in mind that it's better known by another name: the Howling Town. And the Autobots are about to find out why.
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