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The Rumoured Future Of London Super Comic Con, MCM And LFCC…
The hot rumour from the showfloor of the London Super Comic Con a couple of weekends ago was that the show would be no more. At least not in its own right.
Separately I heard two well sourced rumours that it was in talks with the London Film And Comic Con to, basically, merge with that annual show run by Showmasters and take over their comic book programming, tables, events and and guest side. Giving us a London Film And Super Comic Con. and representatives of the show, or rather Tony Lee were seen there, scoping it out.
But I was also told that the London Super Comic Con was in talks with MCM London Expo to take over their Comics Village area. And that representatives of MCM were also at the show.
Two suitors to choose from? Or play off against the other?
This summer has seen a squeezing of big comic book shows in Britain, with London Super Comic Con moving from January/February to August and Thought Bubble moving from November to September. Attendance at this year's Super Con seemed to be lower than in previous years, despite an abundance of big name international guests for a British show. Maybe this may also be a way to ease the pressure off a little?
No representatives of any of the shows replied to emails.