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Wonder Woman's Costume… Is Not A Costume (Justice League #35 Spoilers)

There's a scene in Hot Fuzz where you see the police, at the end of the film, doing the "considerable amount of paperwork" that had been alluded to earlier in the movie. Not only is it a great call back, it underlines the fact that this is the kind of thing you never see in a cop movie. The reality of the consequences of shooting people, driving cars into other cars, blowing stuff up and then arresting the guy in charge. That they are then saved from doing all that paperwork by an unexploded mine – which then explodes – is neither here nor there. Indeed you realise that there will be even more paperwork around that as well.

Today's Justice League #35 by Priest and Pete Woods is a heady antidote to the silliness, the nonsense and the frippery taking place in today's Batman and Metal. If that kind of frivolity is not your bag, Justice League is the comic that will take your superheroics seriously by subjecting them to the rigours of procedural society.

So after last issue's clash between a Justice League and an FBI operation, that left a nun killed by a terrorist using Wonder Woman's sword, we get Wonder Woman subjected to the same kind of interrogation that might occur is someone had been shot and killed by a terrorist who had taken a policeman's gun. And for her sword to be seized, to go into official police evidence.

Of course, the Justice League don't play by the rules, they cheat. They set themselves above the law, they are gods, and they come the closest to the critique of the Justice League, and superheroics in general, in Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch's The Authority.

A couple of issues in, this has the making of an all-time classic Justice League story that will last the decades. But that's not enoiugh for Priest and Woods, they give Wonder Woman two moments that outclass those in her own title.

First the statement that Wonder Woman's costume, though that is the word everyone uses, is not a costume.

Wonder Woman's Costume… Is Not A Costume (Justice League #35 Spoilers)

It's a religious garment. She is, after all, a demi-god. No one tell DC licensing though, okay? Oh and she's not Diana Prince. That's not her name and never was…

Wonder Woman's Costume… Is Not A Costume (Justice League #35 Spoilers)

And she doubts her own role in this world again. While these issues were in her recent Rebirth run, superheroics became an answer, the Justice League a way to channel her mission. Now?


Wonder Woman's Costume… Is Not A Costume (Justice League #35 Spoilers)

Not so much.

A few short moments from an issue full of them.

Remember "The People Vs Justice League", it should be everywhere. And a much better name for this than "Lost"…

(W) Christopher Priest (A/CA) Pete Woods

"LOST" part two! Still greatly affected by the shocking events of the previous issue, the Justice League attempts to regain its balance when an alien infestation threatens the Earth. But nothing can prepare them for an attack closer to home… one that will reveal devastating truths about the League itself!RATED T

In Shops: Dec 20, 2017
SRP: $2.99

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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