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Yes, Tom, Poison Ivy Did Kill Those Gangsters After All… (Batman #42 SPOILERS)
We recently looked at the various factions internally at DC Comics over how the character Poison Ivy should be treated. Out and out world-conquering villainess, an agent of change with good intentions that can be channelled in the right way, or someone for Selina Kyle to Netflix and chill with.
In the Gotham By Geeks podcast three months ago, Tom King addressed the issues as to whether or not Poison Ivy killed the gangsters in the park in the War Of Jokes And Riddles story.
When asked about their fate, he said "No, she just wrapped them in tree. Check the fine print, she didn't kill them."
The fine print that has Batman stacking their bodies in a pile and talking about how one of the dead was an undercover cop, and that Gordon has to write a letter to his widow. His widow, Tom…
Anyway, today in Batman #42, Poison Ivy gets to think back about that scene.
She definitely killed… the policeman didn't just get up unharmed, trip over a loose branch and smash his head open. And gives us a scene seemingly aimed at those who prefer a more redeemed Poison Ivy…
…in a fashion that states that she really can't be.
But how else might this Poison Ivy conflict with recent appearances of her? As in, giving up on the mind-controlling humanity for its own good gig, working with the heroes to save mankind, to develop cures, to be used as a force for good? Well, not so much.
And would the deductions that Batman makes here about her actions and means…
…really stand up if he'd been debriefed by Batgirl and the rest of the Birds Of Prey of late, after a visit to that exact burger bar?
(W) Tom King (A/CA) Mikel Janin
"Everyone Loves Ivy" part two! Poison Ivy has taken control of every man, woman and child on the planet, and only Batman and Catwoman have escaped her influence. But will the pair of them be enough to nip this in the bud?In Shops: Mar 07, 2018
SRP: $2.99