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The Hugo Award Nominations for 2018
Of special note to Bleeding Cool readers, The 2018 Hugo Award nominees for Best Graphic Story are Black Bolt, Volume 1: Hard Time, Bitch Planet, Volume 2: President Bitch, Monstress, Volume 2: The Blood, My Favorite Thing is Monsters, Paper Girls, Volume 3 and Saga, Volume 7.
Here are the nominations for every category for this longest running of science fiction awards.
Best Novel
A science fiction or fantasy story of 40,000 words or more.
- The Collapsing Empire, John Scalzi (Tor)
- New York 2140, Kim Stanley Robinson (Orbit)
- Provenance, Ann Leckie (Orbit)
- Raven Strategem, Yoon Ha Lee (Solaris)
- Six Wakes, Mur Lafferty (Orbit)
- The Stone Sky, N.K. Jemisin (Orbit)
Best Novella
A science fiction or fantasy story between 17,500 and 40,000 words.
- All Systems Red, Martha Wells ( Publishing)
- "And Then There Were (N-One)," Sarah Pinsker (Uncanny, March/April 2017)
- Binti: Home, Nnedi Okorafor ( Publishing)
- The Black Tides of Heaven, JY Yang ( Publishing)
- Down Among the Sticks and Bones, Seanan McGuire ( Publishing)
- River of Teeth, Sarah Gailey ( Publishing)
Best Novelette
A science fiction or fantasy story between 7,500 and 17,500 words.
- "Children of Thorns. Children of Water," Aliette de Bodard (Uncanny,
July-August, 2017) - "Extracurricular Activities", Yoon Ha Lee (Torcom, February 15, 2017)
- "The Secret Life of Bots," Suzanne Palmer (Clarkeswor/d, September
2017) - "A Series of Steaks." Vina Jie-Min Prasad (Clarkesworld, January 2017)
- "Small Changes Over Long Periods of Time." K.M. Szpara (Uncanny, May/June 2017)"Wind Will Rove," Sarah Pinsker (Asimov's. September/October 2017)
Best Short Story
A science fiction or fantasy story of fewer than 7,500 words.
- "Carnival Nine." Caroline M. Yoachim (Beneath Ceaseless Skies. May 2017)
- "Clearly Lettered in a Mostly Steady Hand." Fran Wilde(Uncanny, September 2017)
- "Fandom for Robots." Vina Jie-Min Prasad (Uncanny, September/October 2017)
- "The Martian Obelisk", Linda Nagata (Toncom, July 2017) "Sun. Moon, Dust," Ursula Vernon (Uncanny. May/June 2017)
- "Welcome to your Authentic Indian Experience W." Rebecca Roanhorse (Apex, August 2017)
Best Series
A multi-installment science fiction or fantasy story, unified by elements such as plot, characters, setting, and presentation, appearing in at least three (3) installments consisting in total of at least 240,000 words with at least one installment of which was published in 2017.
- The Books of the Raksura, Martha Wells (Night Shade Books)
- The Divine Cities, Robert Jackson Bennett (Broadway Books)
- InCryptid, Seanan McGuire (DAW)
- The Memoirs of Lady Trent, Marie Brennan (Tor US / Titan Books UK)
- The Stormlight Archive, Brandon Sanderson (Tor US/ Gollancz UK)
- World of the Five Gods. Lois McMaster Bujold (Harper Voyager / Spectrum Literary Agency)
Best Related Work
Any work related to the field of science fiction, fantasy, or fandom, and which is either non-fiction or, if fictional, is noteworthy primarily for aspects other than the fictional text, and which is not eligible in any other category.
- Crash Override: How Gamergate (Nearly) Destroyed My Life, and How We Can Win the Fight Against Online Hate, Zoe Quinn (Public Affairs)
- lain M. Banks (Modern Masters of Science Fiction), Paul Kincaid (University of Illinois Press)
- A Lit Fuse: The Provocative Life of Harlan Ellison, Nat Segaloff (NESFA Press)
- Luminescent Threads: Connections to Octavia E. Butler, edited by Alexandra Pierce & Mimi Mondal (Twelfth Planet Press)
- No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters, by Ursula K. Le Guin (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
- Sleeping with Monsters: Readings and Reactions in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Liz Bourke (Aquaduct Press)
Best Graphic Story
Any science fiction or fantasy story told in graphic form.
- Black Bolt, Volume 1: Hard Time, written by Saladin Ahmed, illustrated by Christian Ward, lettered by Clayton Cowles (Marvel)
- Bitch Planet, Volume 2: President Bitch, written by Kelly Sue DeConnick, illustrated by Valentine De Landro & Taki Soma, colored by Kelly Fitzpatrick, lettered by Clayton Cowles (Image Comics)
- Monstress, Volume 2: The Blood, written by Marjorie M. Liu, illustrated by Sana Takeda (Image Comics)
- My Favorite Thing is Monsters, written & illustrated by Emil Ferris (Fantagraphics) • Paper Girls, Volume 3, written by Brian K. Vaughan, illustrated by Cliff Chiang, colored by Matthew Wilson, lettered by Jared Fletcher (Image Comics)
- Saga, Volume 7, written by Brian K. Vaughan, illustrated by Fiona Staples (Image Comics)
Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form
Any theatrical feature or other production in any medium of dramatized science fiction, fantasy, or related subjects that has a complete running time of more than 90 minutes.
- Black Mirror: 'USS Callister.' written by William Bridges and Charlie Brooker, directed by Toby Haynes (House of Tomorrow)
- 'The Deep' [song], by Clipping (Daveed Diggs. William Hutson, Jonathan Snipes)
- Doctor Who: 'Twice Upon a Time,' written by Steven Moffat. directed by Rachel Talalay (BBC Cymru Wales)
- The Good Place: 'Michael's Gambit." written and directed by Michael Schur (Fremulon / 3 Arts Entertainment / Universal Television)
- The Good Place: The Trolley Problem.' written by Josh Siegal and Dylan Morgan, directed by Dean Holland (Fremulon / 3 Arts Entertainment / Universal Television)
- Star Trek: Discovery: 'Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad," written by Aron Eli Coleite & Jesse Alexander, directed by David M. Barrett (CBS Television Studios)
Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form
Any theatrical feature or other production in any medium of dramatized science fiction, fantasy, or related subjects that has a complete running time of 90 minutes or less.
- Black Mirror: *USS Callister.' written by William Bridges and Charlie Brooker, directed by Toby Haynes (House of Tomorrow)
- 'The Deep' [song], by Clipping (Daveed Diggs. William Hutson, Jonathan Snipes) Doctor Who:
- 'Twice Upon a Time,' written by Steven Moffat. directed by Rachel Talalay (BBC Cymru Wales)
- The Good Place: 'Michael's Gambit." written and directed by Michael Schur (Fremulon / 3 Arts Entertainment / Universal Television)
- The Good Place: The Trolley Problem.' written by Josh Siegal and Dylan Morgan, directed by Dean Holland (Fremulon / 3 Arts Entertainment / Universal Television)
- Star Trek: Discovery: 'Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad," written by Aron Eli Coleite & Jesse Alexander, directed by David M. Barrett (CBS Television Studios)
Best Editor, Short Form
The editor of at least four (4) anthologies, collections, or magazine issues (or their equivalent in other media) primarily devoted to science fiction and/or fantasy, at least one of which was published in 2017.
- John Joseph Adams
- Neil Clarke
- Lee Harris
- Jonathan Strahan
- Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas
- Sheila Williams
Best Editor, Long Form
The editor of at least four (4) novel-length works primarily devoted to science fiction and/or fantasy that were published in 2017 and do not qualify as works under Best E
- Sheila E. Gilbert
- Joe Monti
- Diana M. Pho
- Devi Pillai
- Miriam Weinberg
- Navah Wolfe
Best Professional Artist
An illustrator whose work has appeared in a professional publication in the field of science fiction or fantasy during 2017. A professional publication is one that meets at least one (1) of the following criteria: 1. It provided at least a quarter of the income of any one person, or 2. Was owned or published by any entity which provided at least a quarter of the income of any of its staff and/or owner.
- Galen Dara
- Kathleen Jennings
- Bastien Lecouffe Deharme
- Victo Ngai
- John Picacio
- Sana Takeda
Best Semiprozine
Any generally available non-professional periodical publication devoted to science fiction or fantasy which by the close of 2017 has published at least four (4) or more issues (or the equivalent in other media), and least one (1) of which appeared in 2017, which does not qualify as a fancast, and which in 2017 has met at least one (1) of the following criteria: 1. Paid its contributors and/or staff in other than copies of the publication. 2. Was generally available only for paid purchase.
- Beneath Ceaseless Skies, editor-in-chief and publisher Scott H. Andrews
- The Book Smugglers, edited by Ana Grilo and Thea James
- Escape Pod, edited by Mur Lafferty, S.B. Divya, and Norm Sherman, with assistant editor Benjamin C. Kinney • Fireside Magazine, edited by Brian White and Julia Rios, managing editor Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, special feature editor Mikki Kendall, publisher & art director Pablo Defendini
- Strange Horizons, edited by Kate Dollarhyde, Gautam Bhatia, A.J. Odasso, Lila Garrott, Heather McDougal, Ciro Faienza, Tahlia Day, Vanessa Rose Phin, and the Strange Horizons staff
- Uncanny, edited by Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas, Michi Trota, Julia Rios: podcast produced by Erika Ensign & Steven Schapansky
Best Fanzine
Any generally available non-professional publication devoted to science fiction, fantasy, or related subjects which by the close of 2017 has published at least four (4) or more issues (or the equivalent in other media), at least one (1) of which appeared in 2017, and which does not qualify as a semiprozine or a fancast, and which in 2017 met neither of the following criteria: 1. Paid its contributors and/or staff in other than copies of the publication. 2. Was generally available only for paid purchase.
- File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
- Galactic Journey, edited by Gideon Marcus
- Journey Planet, edited by Team Journey Planet
- nerds of a feather, flock together, edited by The G, Vance Kotrla, and Joe Sherry
- Rocket Stack Rank, edited by Greg Hullender & Eric Wong
- SF Bluestocking, edited by Bridget McKinney
Best Fancast
Any non-professional audio- or video-casting with at least four (4) episodes that had at least one (1) episode published in 2017.
- The Coode Street Podcast, presented by Jonathan Strahan & Gary K. Wolfe
- Ditch Diggers, presented by Mur Lafferty & Matt Wallace
- Fangirl Happy Hour, presented by Ana Grilo & Renay Williams
- Galactic Suburbia, presented by Alisa Krasnostein, Alexandra Pierce & Tansy Rayner Roberts, produced by Andrew Finch
- Sword and Laser, presented by Veronica Belmont & Tom Merritt
- Verity!, presented by Deborah Stanish, Erika Ensign, Katrina Griffiths, L. M. Myles, Lynne M. Thomas, and Tansy Rayner Roberts
Best Fan Writer
Any person whose writing has appeared in semiprozines or fanzines or in generally available electronic media during 2017.
- Camestros Felapton
- Sarah Galley
- Mike Glyer
- Foz Meadows
- Charles Payseur
- Bogi Takacs
Best Fan Artist
An artist or cartoonist whose work has appeared through publication in semiprozines or fanzines or through any other public display during 2017.
- Geneva Benton
- Grace P. Fong
- Maya Hahto
- Likhain (M. Sereno)
- Spring Schoenhuth
- Steve Stiles
There are two other Awards administered by Worldcon 76 that are not Hugo Awards:
Award for Best Young Adult Book
An award for a book published for young adult readers in the field of science fiction or fantasy (not a Hugo Award). The rules for this award are managed by the World Science Fiction Society, but it is not a Hugo Award; therefore, works nominated in this category are also eligible for a Hugo Award in the category in which they qualify based on word count (generally Novel or Novella).
- Akata Warrior, by Nnedi Okorafor (Viking)
- The Art of Starving, by Sam J. Miller (HarperTeen)
- The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage, by Philip Pullman (Knopf)
- In Other Lands, by Sarah Rees Brennan (Big Mouth House)
- A Skinful of Shadows, by Frances Hardinge (Macmillan UK / Harry N. Abrams US)
- Summer in Orcus, written by T. Kingfisher (Ursula Vernon), illustrated by Lauren Henderson (Sofawolf Press)
John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer
An award for the best new science fiction writer, sponsored by Dell Magazines (not a Hugo Award). A new writer is one whose first work of science fiction or fantasy appeared in 2016 or 2017 in a professional publication. For Campbell Award purposes, a professional publication is one for which more than a nominal amount was paid, any publication that had an average press run of at least 10,000 copies, or any other that the Award sponsors may designate.
- Katherine Arden
- Sarah Kuhn
- Jeannette Ng
- Vina Jie-Min Prasad
- Rebecca Roanhorse
- Rivers Solomon