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What Happened to Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, and Doug Mahnke on Action Comics #1000?
The original announcement for Action Comics #1000 listed Scott Snyder, Marv Wolfman, Grant Morrison, Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, Tom King, Paul Dini, Brad Meltzer and Brian Michael Bendis as writers, and Doug Mahnke, Curt Swan, Butch Guice, Frank Quitely, Olivier Coipel, Tim Sale, Clay Mann, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, and Jim Lee as artists.
Not all made it through. And some more people made it in. But we heard a couple of takes on what happened to a few of them.
Firstly, whatever the All-Star Superman team of Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely were working on, it seems it conflicted with Doomsday Clock. I'm guessing that means an appearance of Captain Marvel, the JSA or the Legion and they are currently off-limits from anyone other than Geoff Johns, so we might have to wait for a while to get to read that.
But what about Doug Mahnke? Well, I hear the very odd explanation that Mahnke ended up as basically an understudy of Olivier Coipel, drawing the Richard Donner and Geoff Johns story, The Car, telling the story of that first cover of Action Comics #1. And if Coipel had been unable to finish his version in time, Manke's version would have been used in print.
Which seems a little ripe. If true, I hope he still qualifies for the royalties that the half-million-selling comic will have garnered.
Talking of which, you know how we mentioned the other day that the digital version of Action Comics #1000 was missing the content page and pin-up images that the print version had? Well, the digital version also had the short Superman/Lex Luthor story from the 80 Years of Superman hardcover by Paul Levitz and Neal Adams that the print version of Action Comics #1000 did not.