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Action, History, Adventure: Rob Jones's Highspot Has Them All
Rob Jones writes:
Some time back I shared with Bleeding Cool readers the very first drawing of my new character, Kate Carter, from a story I had in mind called Highspot. Now, finally, the first issue is complete and available on Kickstarter.
This book is the first of a three-issue action/adventure/humor story, kind of like a summer blockbuster movie, that will give readers a good introduction to Kate and an entire cast of characters.
Ever since seeing the Cliff Hanger films as a kid, Kate Carter has had two loves: archaeology, and action/adventure movies about archaeologists. Torn between the two, she eventually chose to pursue a career in Hollywood as a stunt woman — but she often dreamed about what might have been.
Archaeology, specifically Alexander the Great, has also been a passion (some might say obsession) for Jerry Carter (no relation to Kate). A famed relic hunter, he's already found numerous items belonging to the Macedonian king, and he's now after the greatest artifact of them all: the remains of Alexander himself.
Meanwhile, world domination has long been an interest of Texas oil man Conrad Brooks, who believes that whomever discovers the final resting place of Alexander the Great would be catapulted to global fame and, eventually, to power.
Conrad's nephew Dennis Brooks, however, seems to have no interests at all — other than scrolling through apps on his phone and being seen with his movie-star girlfriend Emily O'Neil (a relationship that was arranged by his uncle to boost Dennis's visibility). But just because Dennis seems disinterested doesn't mean Conrad doesn't have big plans for his nephew.
So, to further his nephew's burgeoning political career, and expand his own sphere of influence, Conrad reached out to Carter (Jerry, not Kate), who he believes has the best chance of "helping" Dennis find the remains of the long-missing general, and offered to fund the expedition.
But before the adventure can begin they all must finish one job — a film on which Kate is working, Jerry is a consultant, Emily is the star, and Dennis and his uncle are visiting the set.
Only in Hollywood could such a random-ass group of people come together.
Included here are the first five pages, and the best part of this Kickstarter campaign is that the whole first issue is already done! Yup — colored, lettered, edited (then lettered again), so there will be no waiting around. Once the Kickstarter ends, I'll be able to get this off to the printer and on its way out to you!
Or you can pick up a copy of Highspot #1 at HeroesCon in Charlotte next weekend! I will be in Artist's Alley (AA-2020) all weekend hoping to meet fans and do some sketches!
For more information about and Rob Jones, visit and follow @robjonesart on social media.