Posted in: TV | Tagged: Alton Brown, Cooking Channel, Good Eats, Good Eats: Reloaded
Lets Talk About Good Eats: Reloaded and Alton Brown
[Editor's Note: This review of Alton Brown return-to-Good Eats comes to us from Bleeding Cool contributor Jessica Dale.]
Alton Brown makes mouths water once again with Good Eats: Reloaded, which premiered it's first episode this evening on the Cooking Channel.
Brown is bringing remixes of your favorite Good Eats episodes back into your kitchen. The first episode of Good Eats aired July 7th, 1999, and Alton continued creating new episodes for 14 seasons, ending the show in 2012.
Tonight's very first episode of Good Eats: Reloaded opens as Alton welcomes us into his Masterpiece Theatre style library, regaling us with memories of times before when Good Eats began…and he still had a full head of hair.
Pulling video cassette tapes off the shelf, Brown explains that he would be rewinding and reviewing some of the original episodes, beginning with the inaugural installment from '99. The first episode "Steak Your Claim" teaching us how to cook the PERFECT steak. As the original episode plays, the Alton-of-Today occasionally pops in, stopping the filmroll as he enters, to update the audience on new cooking tips, correcting his younger self on information that he previously misstated, and expanding on topics that he had breezed over in the original segments of the first series [finally covering how to cure a cast iron pan, YAY!].
With occasional jabs at his fully-adorned head of hair and terrible oversized bowling shirts bring that extra bite of comedy that Alton Brown is known and loved for.
[Alton also was live-tweeting along with the series, doing his signature post-it note responses and such.]
We can tell you that >this< writer will be looking forward to Monday nights for the next 13 weeks.
Tune in at 9PM ET/6PM PT on the Cooking Channel to expand your cooking knowledge, wax nostalgic on the original episodes, and rediscover the wonder that is …… GOOD EATS: Reloaded.