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This is Why Marvel Team-Up With Spider-Man and Ms Marvel is Going to be a Thing (#1 Major Spoilers)
Wednesday sees the launch of Marvel Team-Up #1, the new ongoing series that will team Ms Marvel up with a variety of other characters in the Marvel Universe. While some are excited that Ms Marvel is getting the kind of treatment that the likes of Batman, Spider-Man and The Thing have been treated with, the concept behind the first storyline, with Ms Marvel and Spider-Man by Eve L. Ewing, Joey Vazquez, Felipe Sobreiro, Clayton Cowles, Shannon Andrews and Alanna Smith has been hidden. It has been hinted at in solicitations but that's all.
And if you would like it to remain that way, stop reading now.
If you were going to read the comic, wait till Wednesday.
If you weren't going to read it, but am now suddenly intrigued, wait till Wednesday.
If you were not going to read it, then continue. Maybe by the end, you may change your mind… I have to say, I was probably going to skip this comic, but reading the final page is going to make me want to read issue 2 more than anything. So, also, retailers take note, Marvel Team-Up #2 has a Final Order Cut-Off date this coming weekend, which is handy
So, the comic has two beginnings, it's a flip book telling two different perspectives on the story that come together in the middle in a big double page splash. Tortured readers of my own Royal Wedding comic book (yes it is a thing) know that technique well.
The story, seeing Ms Marvel on a tour of the fictitious ESU college where Peter Parker once worked (and done in an actually convincing and engaging way, in stark contrast to last week's Marvel Rising).
And from both perspectives, the prospective student and from the work colleague, we get to meet Dr Yesenia Rosario, who has a new bit of technology that she is showing off.
Downloading someone's brain? Say, you know how Peter Parker was kicked from ESU for the crime of plagiarising the work of Doc Octopus – when it was work done by Doc Ock inhabiting Peter's body? Could Dr Rosario have been doing the same? Sadly the link doesn't come up. So as Kamala Khan and friends wait for the good Doctor, over on the other side of the comic, Peter Parker readies to go on stage to introduce her. And yes, his losing his university status comes up, A lot.
Maybe he watched Into the Spider-Verse again. But it does nicely tie into the idea of time slipping by, as Kamala Khan is preparing for college now. And we get a better look at this technology…
It does sound like sci-fi. And just the kind of thing that fuels many a comic book, and technology such as The Vision, Zola, MODOK, Ultron, Doctor Doom and more. There are fights, there are explosions, there are bad guys, and the technology itself gets involved until suddenly…
Dam, right I'm using a big spoiler image. Because coming out of the battle a new reality.
Ms Marvel is now a late twenty-something white guy. Spider-Man is now a teenage Asian girl. What could possibly go wrong? My comic shop owner, put me down for issue 2 right away, please…
(W) Eve Ewing (A) Joey Vazquez (CA) Stefano Caselli
• After a science demonstration at Empire State University goes awry, Ms. Marvel and Spider-Man find themselves tangled up in the same chaotic adventure. Is it destiny? Or disaster?!
• Eve L. Ewing (IRONHEART) and Joey Vazquez (SPIDER-GEDDON) team up for the first thrilling arc of a mind-bending and magnificent new series!
Rated T+In Shops: Apr 03, 2019
(W) Eve Ewing (A) Joey Vazquez (CA) Stefano Caselli
Looks like trouble for our hero, Spider-Man, also known as Kamala Khan. Er…wait. We mean Ms. Marvel, also known as Peter Parker. Dang, that's not right either. Peter Khan? Kamala Parker? Well, whoever it is, this duo isn't feeling so dynamic at the moment, and they need to work it out fast.
Rated T+In Shops: May 01, 2019
Final Orders Due: Apr 08, 2019
SRP: $3.99