Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: is a chicken website, marvel, nico leon, outlawed, power pack, ryan north
And Now a New Power Pack Mini-Series, From Ryan North and Nico Leon
Following the news this afternoon that Eve Ewing and Simone Di Meo will relaunch Champions following Marvel's Outlawed one-shot, the House of Ideas has now announced a new Power Pack mini-series to be written by Ryan North with art by Nico Leon, also spinning out of that event. This time, Marvel chose to reveal the news EX-X-XCLUSIVELY via media partner and fried chicken website in order to reach their hungriest fans.
While munching on a Popeye's chicken sandwich, North told ComicBook:
I loved working with [editor Sarah Brunstad] on Squirrel Girl, so when she asked if I'd be interested in doing a miniseries with her I said YES – the fact I get to work with the Power Pack is just gravy. It's also fun doing a limited series – a story with a complete beginning, middle, and end – because it lets you structure the story differently, to build in things that you just can't do in an ongoing series. For readers who have loved the Power Pack since their introduction in 1984 to those who maybe haven't even HEARD of them yet, I hope you'll check them out. They're a group of four siblings who get superpowers but still keep all the issues you get when you're in a group of four siblings, people you love and sometimes hate and have known in some cases your entire life. It's hard! But it's also a lot of fun, and that's what we're hoping to capture in this story, along with an examination of what being a superhero actually means.
Below, check out the solicit, covers, and preview art. Power Pack #1 hits stores in April.
POWER PACK #1 (of 5)
VARIANT COVER BY EDUARD PETROVICHPower Pack is back! Katie, Julie, Jack and Alex Power have been super-heroing since they were learning to tie their own shoes. It's been ages since they fought side by side as a family, but a special occasion — and an old grudge — is about to put the gang back together. There's just one teeny tiny hiccup: a brand–new law restricting underage super heroes! But surely, if the fate of all New York City is at stake, the powers that be will make an exception? Keep your fingers crossed as the Power siblings fight for their right to save the world!