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Dan DiDio No Longer Publisher of DC Comics, As Of Today
Whether he was quit, fired, or pushed out of DC Comics, we don't yet know. We may never know. But Bleeding Cool can confirm that Dan DiDio, publisher of DC Comics is no longer publisher of DC Comics. He is gone from the company, as of today. Whatever happened, happened fast. Bleeding Cool has confirmed with a number of sources, inside and outside of DC Comics that Dan DiDio is gone. Rumour has it that this happened from high up at Warner Bros, and was a result of high staff turnover at DC of late, issues with editorial and publishing plans, and Dan being fingered as the man responsible. But that is, right now, nothing more than rumour. Dan DiDio's departure at DC has been reported a number of times in the past, including a decade ago by Nikki Finke at Deadline, but he always hung on. At the time, I reported the opposite and we clashed at the time. Today, it's my turn to report the news.
Dan has been a public figurehead at DC in a way that they never really had before, and crafted himself into becoming a legend in the comics industry. A risk taker, he was behind industry-changing events such as the New 52, and he was instrumental in seeing DC move from a comics publisher into a content hub across media. More than anyone else, today's DC Comics is for all intent and purposes, Dan DiDio Comics. That will now change. Jim Lee is also Publisher at DC Comics and will take the lead in the months ahead. As for 5G, and the new DC Timeline, championed internally by Dan DiDio? Your guess is as good as mine.
DiDio joined DC Comics in January 2002, as vice president–editorial, as well as writer for Superboy (issues #94 to 100). He was promoted to vice president–executive editor, DC Universe in October 2004. On February 18, 2010, DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson named DiDio as co–publisher of DC Comics, along with Jim Lee. He also writes the Metal Men ongoing series… for now.