Rick Remender teases more Giant Generator with Steve Epting, Daniel Acuña, André Lima Araújo, Greg Tocchini and Yanick Paquette.
Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: Champions, Launches, marvel, new warriors, outlawed, power pack, previews, wanted
Wanted: Previews Of New Warriors, Champions and Power Pack Outlawed Marvel Launches
This week's Marvel Comics titles listed ads for upcoming tie-ins to the Outlawed event, with ads for the launch of Champions, Power Pack and tie-in comics Ms Marvel and Miles Morales: Spider-Man.
But Bleeding Cool has a few pages from them to share… first from the Outlawed launch of New Warriors, which includes a very new and diverse potential team up to replace the originals, 5G-style?
And for Power Pack #1…
And from Champions #1.

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