Rich Johnston Archives

A Set Photo Of A Batman Vs. Superman Spoiler…
Posted on Imgur, then taken down, were a series of set shots from Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice set in a graveyard, including the Wayne family tomb. And off to the side? Sonething a little more spoilery. Squint to take a peek...
My Comic Shop History
By Anthony Desiato (@DesiWestside) Not everyone can identify specific moments in their lives as turning points, but I can think of two, both comic
Drawing The Last Line
Writer/Creator: Christofer Frey. Illustration: Ryan Winn. Color: Jean-Francois-Beaulieu – Lettering: Troy Peteri. Publishing Date: Monday, April 13,
Dr. Oblivion's Guide To Teenage Dating
Jeff Pina writes, It started at an arcade. I took my little sister-in-law to her first arcade during a summer break. My wife's family had lived overseas
A Vision Of Monsters
Undead or Alive: Original Graphic Novel. Creators: Steve Bryant (writer/letterer), Jason Millet (artist), and Chris Murrin (editor). Close date: May 5,