Rich Johnston Archives

Prints Charming: Frozen And Ei8ht
The Joe Books translation of the Italian comic book adaptation of Disney's Frozen - as opposed to their cinecomic adaptation of the movie - can gone to a
What If Wes Anderson Directed X-Men?
From Patrick Willems and friends for Bleeding Cool... Oh and if you can't get the above, try below...
Lovin The Cutest L'il Ninja
Lil’ Ninja debut comic book by Greg Woronchak (story, inks, and colors), Ash Jackson (pencils), Dustin Evans (colors).Close date: March 16th Lil’ Ninja is
Jesse James Gets Chewed Out
Jesse James of Jesse James' Comics, Phoenix, writes, I have had plenty of drink with John Layman, just hanging out and listening to one of my favorite
Milestone 2.0 Teaser Hits From JSJCreative: For Dwayne McDuffie. Robert L. Washington and all the Milestone Fans. 22 years ago this week Hardware #1 the
Swipe File: Inhuman And The Oscars
  From the latest issue of Inhuman... And the latest ceremony of the Oscars... In Swipe File we present two or more images that resemble each other