Rich Johnston Archives

Frank Miller's The Fixer: Year One
The Fixer is the name of the Batman-replacement lead in Holy Terror. I got in an argument about that book in Phoenix Comic Con. I believe that it's a
Thursday Runaround – When Eagles Cry
AwardWatch: Bleeding Cool hinted at a bit of a blowup of the Eagle Awards in our Kapow coverage two weeks ago. The Awards were held last weekend (Bleeding
Dreamworks Comic Book App To Launch
Bleeding Cool understands that Ape Entertainment is about to launch a DreamWorks Animation Comics App for iPad and iPhone on Apple's App Store. The free
Can You Help Oliver Nome?
DC comics penciller Oliver Nome needs your help. He posts to Facebook and Twitter. hello friends and family..I'm gonna just get straight to the point,
John Byrne Turned Down Before Watchmen
Before Watchmen begins next week, DC Comics continue to show off new variant covers from the likes of Jim Lee and Kevin Nowlan, below. One they can't show
A Batman Annual And A Batman Retcon
Nora Freis, the frozen wife of Victor Freis, and the inspiration for his transformation into Batman villain Mr Freeze, was introduced in Batman: The
Cerebus Kickstarter Smashes Records
The funding of an audio/visual/digital version of the Cerebus story High Society was received on Kickstarter even quicker than Sullivan's Sluggers... less
ComiXology Tracked Reddit Downloaders
Yesterday, we ran an article about a short program that had been written, designed to download ComiXology comics files that had been paid for, and keep
The Solicitation Trap
The Furry Trap is a new graphic novel solicited by Fantagraphics. Sounds like silly funny creatures ideally suited for a children's book. Ket's see what