Rich Johnston Archives

Saturday Runaround – Bagging Bagley
FascistWatch: Green Hornet director Michael Gondry calls fanboys... welll... His eyes light up when he mentions Rogen, but the reaction of the fanboys and
Anti-Islamists Against Batman
Batman is a story about a billionaire who takes personal responsibility for a crime wave in his city, rather then relying on government expansion and
Saying Goodbye To Wildstorm
Next week WildCATS ships, the last Wildstorm Universe title from DC Comics. The line that gave us the likes of the "On Earth...As It Is In Heaven"
Wham, Bam, Thank You Kara
Nick Spencer was announced as joining Supergirl as writer on issue 60 with the enormously talented Bernard Chang. But bried in the DC Source post about
Marriage, Kryptonian Style
Something tells me that every blog in the world will be linking to this shortly. A marriage ceremony with two Superfans, Beth Reed and JC Vallacqua,
India Ink – What's Cooking?
By Mayank Khurana, India comics correspondent for Bleeding Cool Mumbai Convention Watch: I understand an American wrestler from the famed WWF may be