Posted in: Comics | Tagged: big hero 6, disney, entertainment, japan, manga, marvel, scans, translated
16 Pages Of The Big Hero 6 Manga That Have Just Been Translated Into English!
A big thank you to Hatena Yagami who saw our original post and asked to help out. So here are the first pages of the Disney prequel manga to the Big Hero 6 animated movie. Just in case Marvel do feel like reprinting them in English, here is a head start.
Panel 1
Tadashi: This part goes…
Tadashi: …here, aaand,
SFX(all three are the same): Clink
Caption: The mysterious machine passionately being built…What on earth is this!?
Panel 2
Tadashi: Good.
Tadashi: I've somehow managed the framework!
Panel 1
Mom: Here, Tadashi. Come along.
Tadashi: …okay.
SFX: (SFX for being shy and hesitant)
Panel 2
Mom: See,
SFX: SFX for slowly coming forward
Panel 3
Mom: "Nice to meet you. I'm your little brother Hiro." (He says)
Panel 4
Dad: You're a big brother from now on, Tadashi.
Panel 1
Caption(Tadashi): 14 years since then, huh…
Hiro: Brother?
SFX: Clink Clink
Panel 2
Hiro: What're you doing? It's late at night…
Tadashi: Hiro!
SFX: Flop!
Panel 3
Tadashi: Oh…I'm sorry about the noise. I was doing some inventing for the showcase.
Hiro: What!?
Panel 4
Hiro: Inventing!?
Hiro: What are you making this time?
SFX: (SFX for one's face lightning up)
Panel 5
Tadashi: Umm…something you'll dig, I guess.
Hiro: Woah!? What's that?
Panel 1
Tadashi: You want to know that hard?
Hiro: Sure!
Panel 2
Hiro: Your inventions are always exciting!
Hiro: So I'm really curious what you're going to invent next!
Panel 3
Hiro: You're going to be a inventing genius for sure, brother!
Panel 4
Tadashi: Haha. I think you're overstating…but thanks! I'll do my best.
Tadashi: (Good night.)
Hiro:(Good night.)
Caption: Genius…huh.
Panel 5
Tadashi: Agh…!
SFX: Qweeee
SFX: Crack
SFX: Crash
Panel 6
SFX: Scratch scratch
Tadashi: Sigh…it got off…
Panel 7
Tadashi: I wonder if Hiro can…
Tadashi: …do it more easily.
Panel 1
Man: Hamada-kun is a genius!
Panel 2
Mom: What?
Panel 3
Man: He's only a child…
Man: And he was able solve a problem no mathematician could!
Panel 4
Mom: Oh my!
Tadashi: Is…
Tadashi: Is that…true!?
Panel 5
Tadashi: If that's true, it's amazing…!!
Teacher: We're talking about you, what do you mean 'if'…?
Panel 6
Tadashi: You're amazing!!
Tadashi: Hiro!
SFX: (SFX for turning one's body quickly)
SFX: (SFX for staggering)
Panel 1
Teacher: What!? Then is the one who solved the problem not Tadashi but…
Teacher: …his little brother Hiro!?
SFX: Clatter
Panel 2
SFX: nod…
Panel 3
Caption(Tadashi): It was rather Hiro
Caption(Tadashi): who was the genius…
Classmate: (You're amazing, Hiro!!)
Panel 4
Woman: Please come to our school!!
Man: No, ours…
Panel 6
Bully: Don't get so excited just because you're a little smart! (Asian!)
Bully: Get out our sight! (Pointy head!)
Panel 1
Tadashi: Heeey!
Bully: Run!
Panel 2
Tadashi: Hiro! Are you okay!?
Panel 3
Hiro: Hey.
Hiro: What's the matter, brother?
Panel 4
Tadashi: What do you mean by 'what's the'…Hiro…you were…
Hiro: (Oh,) we were just fooling around. It's nothing to worry about.
Panel 6
Hiro: AAAGH!
Hiro: It hurts!
Hiro: It buurrnns!
SFX: Puff puff
Panel 1
Tadashi: You're overreacting…a boy like you shouldn't cry over such a small scratch…
Hiro: My being a boy has nothing to do with it!
Panel 2
Hiro: Or can you stand being hit by a car just because you're a boy!?
SFX: (SFX for bursting out tears)
Panel 3
Tadashi: Haha. You're not making any sense.
Tadashi: (You're being funny, you know.)
Hiro: It's not funny!
Panel 4
Tadashi: Here.
Tadashi: You've made quite a noise, but you did manage it through, so here's your treat.
Panel 5
SFX: (SFX for one's face lightning up)
Hiro: Wow!! Oh, boy!
Panel 6
Hiro: (Thanks!)
Panel 1
Caption(Tadashi): But since then
Caption(Tadashi): little by little, Hiro began to keep himself inside his room.
Panel 3
Tadashi: Hey
Tadashi: I got it!
Panel 4
Hiro: What is it? Why did you bring me out to the garage…
Tadashi: Now now.
Panel 5
Tadashi: Hey, Hiro…
SFX: Snicker
SFX: Grab
Panel 6
Tadashi: Do you want to take a ride on this or what!?
SFX: Flop!
SFX: BANG!(of an SFX for something big appearing all of a sudden)
Panel 1
Hiro: Wha…what is this…is this supposed to be a plane?
Tadashi: Yep! I made it!
Panel 2
Hiro: More the reason I'm not getting on that thing.
SFX: Turn
Hiro: Besides, it's a junk…and it looks smelly…
Tadashi: It's not smelly! It's made of metal.
Panel 3
Tadashi: Come on! I'm riding too, so hurry up and sit!
SFX: Squeeze squeeze
Hiro: Hey!
Panel 4
Tadashi: Let's take off and see if this thing would really fly!
Tadashi: (Wippie!)
Hiro: Whaaat! What's that suppose to mean! I'm getting off!!
Panel 5
Tadashi: GO!!
SFX(smaller): Bang
SFX(bigger): BOOM
Panel 1
Panel 2
Hiro: …gasp!
Panel 3
SFX: Splaaash!
Panel 4
SFX: Bubble bubble bubble bubble
Panel 5
SFX: Splash
Tadashi: Did it…We did it! It flew! (Thought I was going to die!!)
Panel 6
Hiro: …you were right…a little, but…it flew…maybe.
Panel 1
Tadashi: It's a big success!
Tadashi: Right, Hiro?
Panel 2
Hiro: Right!
Hiro: Brother, you're amazing!!
Panel 3
Caption(Tadashi): Since this day…
Panel 4
Caption(Tadashi): Hiro also started inventing alongside me.
Panel 5
Catption(Tadashi): And one after another, he invented things I couldn't even imagine.
Panel 6
Caption(Tadashi): The one who's really born an inventor is Hiro.
Caption(Tadashi): Hiro is a real genius…my pride and my rival.
Panel 1
Caption(Tadashi): It's my wish to see the world Hiro creates.
Tadashi: Alright.
Tadashi: All I've got to do now is to install this…
Panel 2
SFX: Insert
Panel 3
Caption(Tadashi): So this guy…
Caption(Tadashi): I created him thinking not wanting to lose against Hiro…
Panel 4
Caption(Tadashi): … as strongly as I care for him.
Caption(Tadashi): My masterpiece.
Panel 3
SFX: Wink
Panel 4
Baymax: Hello! I am Baymax.
Panel 5
Tadashi: I did it…
Panel 6
Tadashi: He talked!!
Tadashi: WOAH! I did it! (Fu, finally!)
Panel 1
SFX: tuning in…
Tadashi: (I did it!! I did it!!)
Panel 2
Baymax: I am a care robot. I have completed your medical examination.
Baymax: You are both physically and mentally in good health.
SFX: tuning in
Panel 3
Tadashi: Ha!
Caption(Tadashi): Still.
Caption(Tadashi): Not yet.
Panel 4
Tadashi: Uh…thanks, Baymax!
Tadashi: And nice to meet you. My name is Tadashi. I'm your creator.
Panel 5
Tadashi: You'll be helping a lot of people in the future.
Panel 6
Tadashi: And…
Panel 1
Tadashi: I wish someday,
Tadashi: you may become Hiro's friend.
Panel 2
Tadashi: Let's make a great team, you and I,
Tadashi: Baymax.
Panel 3
Caption(Tadashi): Whether he's really complete or not,
Caption(Tadashi): that's yet to find out…