Posted in: Comics, Comics Publishers, Image, Marvel Comics | Tagged: adventureman, Donny Cates, maria llovet, matt fraction, rachel dodson, Rosemary Valero- O’Connell, shortbox, terry dodson, thor
4 of Bleeding Cool's Favorite Comics Debuts of 2020
This debut roundup is supposed to be one part gift guide, one part suggestion box. Or, an answer to the question of "what's new that you've enjoyed this year?" Pulp's not on here because the standard Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips set is so consistently high that meeting it doesn't feel like best or novel, or for that matter, new. So here are five of our favorite comics debuts of 2020 so far.
- Don't Go Without Me
Rosemary Valero-O'Connell's collection of three giant-size comics arrives thanks to Shortbox, and it's a hit. Proving the great cartooning on Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me wasn't a fluke, Valero-O'Connell dazzles with a great use of a limited color palette and novel stories. As Bernie Wrightson said of Jamal Igle, "You're too young to be this good."
- Loud!
Maria Llovet's OGN about an X-rated night at a killer club feels like one bad drinking story you can't bring yourself to entirely disavow. The patrons were too pretty, the drinks were too strong. Of course, that's all before the violence arrived and you needed to get the hell out of Dodge. You'll tell the stories and show the trophy scars for years.
- Adventureman
The polar opposite of Loud!, Adventureman feels unobjectionable and timeless. A book series about a not-so-fictional pulp adventuring group entrances a boy and reveals itself to his mother. Matt Fraction, Terry Dodson, and Rachel Dodson (a team that Marvel previously commissioned to make the Uncanny X-Men) deliver an engaging, wholesome mystery: What happened to pulp hero Adventureman?
- From Ian Melton: Thor
Thor by Donny Cates has been my favorite new launch of 2020, despite only being 5 issues in. I've found myself coming back, again and again, to issue #1 looking for hints and foreshadowing Donny loves to do, and the horror/cosmic vibe he has brought to Thor has given me a new way to look at Thor and Galactus.
Those are some of our favorite comics debuts from 2020, what are some of the books that we missed? Let us know in the comments.