Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Batman, dc comics, detetcive comics, psycho pirate
A New Psycho-Pirate For DC Comics? (Detective Comics #1057 Spoilers)
The current Psycho-Pirate in the DC Comics universe was a gangster, Roger Hayden, who gained the powers to manipulate emotions after finding the Medusa Masks which bestow upon the wearer the power to project emotions onto others. He melted the masks down and formed them into a single faceplate and uses its powers to become a supervillain.
But as a result of the Crisis On Infinite Earths, where the Anti-Monitor soon recruited the Psycho-Pirate, amplified his powers and used his emotional abilities to influence a number of worlds into violence and destruction, he was one of the few to remember what had happened to reality, sending him mad and, courtesy of Grant Morrison and Chas Troug's Animal Man, became a meta-fictional character in the DC Universe. And that is the role he is continuing to play.
The Psycho-Pirate not only remembering all the changes in continuity, but challenging the metafictional nature of the DC Universe by grabbing its component parts and pulling down the panels. However, as much as he knows, there is always something outside it. Especially when you can hear the people who are narrating your life. And give you a whole new perspective on the world.
Which also ties into the new reality seen in Infinite Frontier #0 and Earth Omega, a place that is somewhere else and seemingly redefining reality.
And may explain Psycho Pirate's new look in Infinite Frontier,
WhilePsycho-Pirate's old Medusa mask was useful for reacting to the Watchmen smiley button, and bringing back Thomas Wayne – the Flashpoint Batman (though this may be rewritten in the upcoming Flashpoint Beyond) However in the recent Batman books, far from having such multiversal and comic book reality awareness, the Psycho-Pirate – who was used by Bane to manipulate Gotham – has now been used as a way to set up the new Arkham Tower as a grift from its owners to get money out of Mayor Nakona.
How the mightily cosmic and multiversal have fallen.
Especially as in today's Detective Comics #1056, the whole edifice is collapsed, and the Psycho-Pirate has lost his mask. But who has it? And will they keep it?
Because, yes, the other emotional manipulator of the Batman comic books has the Medusa Mask in his possession as well.
And the idea of The Scarecrow gaining a more mystical control over those around him, as well as a chemical, seems a much greater danger to Gotham as a whole and a new Fear State threatening.
That's until we get a little Spoiler. Big spoiler to come though.
As everyone goes for the Medusa Mask, out of the Scarecrow's fingers.
With only one in close enough range.
As the new holder of the Psycho Pirate's Medusa Mask could hold all of perceived reality in their gaze. Welcome to the new Psycho Pirate of the DC Comics Universe, maybe?
Koyuki Nakano, wife of the Mayor of Gotham City, the anti-mask man now with a masked wife, who potentially has all sorts of powers and awareness at her fingertips. Future issues of Detective Comics are solicited, stating "Will Psycho-Pirate be Batman's newest eyes and ears on the streets? Can Koyuki Nakano ever recover from the traumatic events she witnessed?" – could this be the same person? And how will the Mayor deal with that?
(W) Mariko Tamaki, Matthew Rosenberg (A) Amancay Nahuelpan, Fernando Blanco (CA) Irvin Rodriguez
Batman is back! And just in time to save the life of Nightwing, who was given a fear toxin super-dose and tossed out of a skyscraper—another tragedy surrounding Arkham Tower's hostile takeover. As Scarecrow readies his forces for the big bat, war erupts on every floor of the building between the Penguin's thugs, the Party Crashers, the murderous Arkham inmates, and an overwhelmed Bat-Family who's struggling to get everyone out alive! Will the return of the bat be enough to turn the tide to victory…or does another X factor lurk in the battle that could save the day? The penultimate chapter of "House of Gotham" arrives as a battle erupts between Batman, The Joker, and the Boy in horrifying fashion! Bruce Wayne has felt responsibility for this situation for years now…but does he have what it takes to save the life of his sworn enemy?
Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 03/15/2022DETECTIVE COMICS #1058 CVR A IRVIN RODRIGUEZ
(W) Mariko Tamaki, Matthew Rosenberg (A) Amancay Nahuelpan, Fernando Blanco (CA) Irvin Rodriguez
The Tower crashes to a close! In the epic finale to this weekly tale of terror, alliances are forged amongst unlikely allies, and the Bat-Family reassess their strategy in their war on crime in Gotham City. Will Psycho-Pirate be Batman's newest eyes and ears on the streets? Can Koyuki Nakano ever recover from the traumatic events she witnessed? How much fun will the Batgirls have beating the snot out of Penguin's goons at a seedy motel? The answers await you and much, much more in this cataclysmic culmination! (Except for the Batgirls, I'll tell you right now that answer is "a lot.") As if one dramatic conclusion wasn't enough, the finale of "House of Gotham" will leave you breathless as Batman is faced with an impossible decision: kill a monster of his own creation…or let others be killed in the process. "Save the patient in front of you" was the advice from Thomas Wayne…
Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 3/22/2022DETECTIVE COMICS #1059 CVR A IVAN REIS & DANNY MIKI
(W) Mariko Tamaki, Nadia Shammas, Sina Grace (A) Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, David Lapham (CA) Ivan Reis, Danny Miki
Riddle me this…when is a criminal not a criminal? The answer awaits you in the start of a brand-new Detective Comics story arc from writer Mariko Tamaki, guest co-writer Nadia Shammas, and legendary artist Ivan Reis! The Riddler is back in Gotham City in a big way, becoming a media personality and using his newfound influence to wreak havoc on the Dark Knight. As Batman chases down clues to put an end to Riddler's machinations, the clock ticks away for the citizens of Gotham whom Edward Nygma has placed in the line of fire… Then, in "Gotham Girl: Interrupted" part one, the super-powered Claire Clover returns to the city that helped ruin her life…to get psychiatric treatment at the new Arkham Tower. But when Gotham Girl's newfound semblance of normalcy is rocked by a murder mystery, she finds someone unexpected at the heart of the crime…herself.
Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 4/26/2022