Posted in: Comics, Comixology, san diego comic con | Tagged: adora and the distance, Ariela Kristantina, comixology, Marc Bernadin, sdcc
Adora and the Distance, a New ComiXology Original From Marc Bernadin and Ariela Kristantina
ComiXology is holding their opening event at San Diego Comic-Con right now, and they've just announced a new ComiXology Original from writer Marc Bernadin and artist Ariela Kristantina, with colors by Jessica Kholinne and letters by Bernardo Brice. Called Adora and the Distance, the fantasy comic is inspired by Bernadin's own daughter, who is autistic.
In conjunction with the event, Entertainment Weekly (now shipping monthly) has an EX-X-XCLUSIVE look inside the graphic novel, as well as a statement from Bernadin:
There are millions of parents of kids on the autism spectrum and there are millions of children with siblings on the spectrum. This isn't a book about how hard it is to be a parent or a sibling, it's one that imagines the unknowable: What's going on inside the mind of a loved one who has never been able to tell us?
Check out the preview below, including a personal message from Bernadin. Adora and the Distance will be available on ComiXology this Winter.