Posted in: Comics | Tagged: ant man, Batman, batman eternal, bestseller, bleedingcool, civil war, Comics, dc, entertainment, marvel, spider-verse
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 11th January 2015 – Well Spider-Versed
This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, as compiled by a number of comic stores from their sales on Wednesday and Thursday. It measures what are known as the "Wednesday Warriors", those who can't wait to the weekend to get this week's comics. We salute you, and the keenness you bring to your passion.
Spider-Verse keeps Amazing Spider-Man at the top, especially with the appearance of a certain individual, beating the many-covered and movie-trailered promoted Ant Man #1 and both beating out the traditional chart topping Batman Eternal. And the launch of Wolverines as a weekly book doesn't seem likely to challenge it.
- 1. Amazing Spider-Man #12
2. Ant-Man #1
3. Batman Eternal #40
4. Detective Comics #38
5. Wolverines #1
6. Spider-Man 2099 #7
7. Earth 2 #30
8. New 52: Futures End #36
9. Birthright #4
10. Earth 2: Worlds End #14
Thanks to the following retailers
- G-Mart Comic Books of Champaign, Illinois
- Pittsburgh Comics of McMurray, Pennsylvania
- Graham Crackers Comics of Illinois – Plainfield, Naperville, Downers Grove, St. Charles, Wheaton, DeKalb + Chicago LOOP/Edgewater/Lakeview
- Jetpack Comics of Rochester, New Hampshire
- Dr. No's Comics & Games Superstore, Marietta, Georgia
Who had this to say,
Apparently DC's talk about Convergence is convincing some readers there's no reason to continue with current storylines. Sales have dropped across the board for DC titles as customers wait to see if something good is coming. Ant-Man was a big surprise–who would have thought it would be number one?
Two strong key Silver Age sales in the past week as a few collectors begin to realize that those books are getting hard to find at affordable prices.
Bad weather really hampered sales this week. Almost out of Ant Man which did better than expected. Not so much with Squirrel Girl and Wolverines. Blew through my order of Hellboy & BPRD #2 so that might have made the list if I had ordered more. Definitely getting new readers. Sold through double normal Hellboy/BPRD numbers.
Interesting week in new comics! For the first REAL week of comics of 2015 there were definitely some surprises. Marvel did everything right by putting out Ant-Man #1 the day after they ran debuted the teaser. It came in as our #2 best selling book this week right behind Amazing Spider-man. I had lots of good to mediocre reviews of the trailer but nobody downright trashing on it. The Wolverines #1 sold pretty good but like all weekly series we still expect numbers to drop every week as the quality diminishes. That's the way it's been with every single one all along. Batman Eternal is the only one that seems to hold steady. Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 had huge internet buzz, but if you don't already know, that doesn't always translate to actual sales. It was easily the biggest disappointment of the week sales-wise.
Birthright & the Fade Out were in our Top Ten, those two books continue to grab more and more readers as they go. I see a huge year for Image after seeing all the titles they are putting out from the Image Expo and how this year has gone. I have a good number of customers who have cut out all DC & Marvel and hold Image as their #1 publisher. I think that's a trend we will see lots more of.
Customers that returned after buying Squirrel Girl #1 were very happy with the book, and it performed even better than we expected.
Ant-Man did well as well, and Spider-Verse continues to be one of the most in demand storylines…
Sold an NYX #3 for a $100 within an hour of getting it back in stock (FIRST X-23) – New Mutants #98 (1st Deadpool) continues to be one of the MOST requested books, and even though I KNOW there's a ton of copies out there (every collection I get in seems to have a #97 and #99 anyway) – it still doesn't make it's way into the shops nearly often enough…
Good to be back to a smaller but normal week. Good sales for a week with only a few heavy hitters.
Spider-Man outsold every book by a country mile. Marvel's other big sellers had #1's on their covers. Smaller selection pushed Miracle Man on to the list as well as the best issue of The Fade Out yet.Hellboy just missed the cut but people are enjoying the new series and we've seen a few jump on with the new #1. Alex Maleev's art doesn't hurt anything either.
All of DC's titles on the list have Earth or Bat in the titles, come out weekly, or both.
If someone made a bag of glass with Daryl Dixon's face on it our store would sell out.