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Brian Ruckley to Reboot Transformers for IDW, Twice-Monthly in March 2019
IDW Publishing has announced a brand-new Transformers series will debut in March 2019, that will totally reboot their Transformers continuity from scratch.
And it will begin exploring the very moment when a glorious, peaceful Cybertron begins its downward spiral into chaos.
Available twice a month, Transformers will be written by Brian Ruckley, author of the Godless World fantasy trilogy, and illustrated by Angel Hernandez (Star Trek: Discovery – Succession) and Ron Joseph (Micronauts: Wrath of Karza).
In this new Transformers comic, IDW will explore Cybertron, delving into an idyllic society, peaceful for thousands of years, as it faces the most momentous event in its history: the mysterious end of a single life. Through the eyes of young Bumblebee and his friends, fans will witness conspiracies forming, harmony giving way to conflict, and the very fabric of Cybertronian civilization tearing itself apart.
"Bringing Transformers fans this story is a real privilege," says Brian Ruckley. "But just as important, it's an amazing opportunity for new readers to discover and explore one of the biggest universes – and one of the best casts of characters – that science fiction has to offer, and to get in right at the start of a truly epic saga."
Ron Joseph says, "In my youth, I devoured everything Transformers – toys, comics, the cartoon, the movie – with a Unicron-like hunger. 'Robots in Disguise' dominated my every waking moment. To join IDW's creative team for the launch of a Transformers comic is staggering, and easily one of the greatest moments of my life."
"We are eager to begin this new chapter in Transformers storytelling," says Michael Kelly, Hasbro's Vice President of Global Publishing. "We are excited to begin a tale that will be accessible and appealing to readers unfamiliar with Transformers lore, while still providing the depth and drama that our long-time fans expect. It's a big responsibility, but we've got the right team and the right characters to do it."
The debut issue of this new Transformers comic will be available with multiple cover variants, by artists Gabriel Rodriguez, Angel Hernandez, Casey W. Coller, and Freddie E. Williams II. Issue #2, also available in March, will feature covers by Nelson Daniel, Ron Joseph, and Jeffrey Veregge.