Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Lundmark
Buzz Sends Tim Lundmark Packing At Wizard World Minneapolis Comic Con
Tim Lundmark is an artist who goes by the name of The Random Artist. And appears at comic shows, basically, selling work ripped off from other artists as if it were his own.
He's certainly not alone in that. That might well be the problem, shows seem to have more and more such individuals. And for some, enough is enough.
Aldrin Aw, better known as Buzz, is a comics artist who has worked on Justice League, JSA, Vampirella, Shi, X-Factor and more.
And on Friday, at Wizard World Minneapolis, he lost it.
After a full morning of dealing with sea of print vendors disguised as artists hocking cheap sh-tty prints made from downloaded images, My friend Troy Dontee brought me over to this motherf-cker's table to check out the artwork he has on display. Every single piece of art was printouts of other artist's work,He had work from every artist imaginable from Neal Adams, Andy Brase, Bisley , Deodato Jr. Greg Horn, Adi Granov, Romita Jr. to Simone Bianchi.
I went off on the motherf-cker with a long string of shaming words and obscenities, and all he can say was it's fan art.
It took every ounce of strength from me not to twist his f-cking head off.
There is still tomorrow…it may still happen.
And on top of everything, this cockslurper is printing the art on bags,placemats,and all kinds of merchandise.
There were plenty of comments but one from Gary Guzzo was particularly qualified and added history.
When I was heading Publicity at Marvel, one of my jobs was to keep the use of our material in our hands. Between the costumed characters in Times Square, and the blatant rip offs of copyrighted material, the publishers seem to not care, anymore. I guess they figure the money they lose is negligible, but they forget about things like actual comic creators who need the income of doing sketches for fans. In THIS case, aside from kicking this guys ass (which I would love to be in on…), it is time to talk to Convention organizers and get these f-ckers OUT of Artists Alley!!! I comes as no surprise that Wizard would ignore copyrights….they did it all the time when we were at Marvel, but we sued the crap out of them, which is why myself and Sven Patrick Larsen have been blacklisted by Wizard ever since.
So what did happen the next day? We had an update from Buzz…
Update on the thieving assh-le, ripoff artist from yesterday.
so the guy and his wife were going around harassing people who witnessed my verbal spanking to not spread "gossip " about what happened.
Then I had a run in with them.
The conversation was as followed.
The wife: You should stop spreading this bullsh-t and you don't know what you're talking about.
Me: go f-ck yourself.
The wife: well, we're leaving because of you.
Me: Good, good f-cking riddance.
The f-cker has taken down his FB page too.
There were other details from Buzz to share.
This is ripped off from a painting Neal did for his office. F-cker took the image from Neal's site, printed it and selling as his art.
So, that was a baaaaaad move. Neal is here as a special guest one aisle away.
So be warned, if you are a Tim Lundmark or a Rob Granito exhibiting at a show… Buzz is coming for you!
Tim has removed his Facebook page and made his Tumblr page private.