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Comic Book Folk React To… Donald Trump's Presidential Victory
Donald Trump has been elected as the next President of the United States. There have been a lot of comments on social media...
Donald Trump has been elected as the next President of the United States. The first convicted felon to be elevated to that post and the second to serve non-consecutive terms in office, after Grover Cleveland. There have been a lot of comments on social media regarding the results from comic book creators, editors, publishers and retailers; this is a small representative selection. Including the news that Mark Waid, current writer on Superman, Justice League and World's Finest, may stop writing superhero comics as a result.
Mark Waid: I don't believe in the basic goodness of my fellow Americans anymore, and without this, I cannot write superheroes. There's no point. When you see a decline in the quality of my work soon, you'll be able to trace it back to this night… Planning on going dark on all social media and news feeds for a while starting tomorrow. See you down the road, I hope. Godspeed.
Russ Burlingame: When Trump and the U.S. abandon Ukraine, it won't just empower Putin. It will tell dictators everywhere that we lack the will and decency to honor self-determination. I expect China will move on Taiwan sooner than later, knowing there will be no political or economic consequences from the U.S…. On the bright side, this really puts getting laid off last week into perspective.
Shane Chebsey: Well it looks like my prediction of a Trump win was right. Although no surprise, very disappointing. However when the Democrats put forward such an unlikable and frankly dangerous candidate against a populist like Trump what do they expect? Harris was never a good choice. At least Trump is not a warmonger and will only serve one term so with luck the world will still be turning and the Americans will be able to vote for proper politicians in four years.
Mike Baron: Trump's learned a lot. And so have the American people. I think we're going to hear a lot more from the common American.
Emma Vieceli: I have some happy news to share, but… I may wait until tomorrow. Hugs to all who need them xx
Gavin Guidry: Serious hypothetical question. If they do, in fact get implemented, does the comic industry survive tariffs that explode the cost of printing?
Peter Sanderson: I am not looking forward to Trump's tariffs increasing the costs of my good or his tax cuts undercutting finances for the Social Security and Medicare I an dependent on. It has been reported that when Trump was told about the January 6 rioters threatening Mike Pence's life, he said "So what?" Trump voters look at Trump's 34 convictions, his being held liable for serial assault and a half billion dollars of fraud, his undoing Roe, his misogyny, racism and intent to prosecute his opponents, and they say, "So what?" For them getting cheaper eggs (as if Trump will reduce food prices) is more important than democracy. It was interesting tonight to watch MSNBC show one by one which states went for Trump and which for Harris, as if enumerating the states that I don't want to visit because they are pro-authotitarian. Just as well I can't travel beyond the Northeast for health reasons.
Cully Hamner: I don't really know what to say at this point. I've got no insight. Everything I thought was wrong. I think I'm just going to take some time to grieve and figure out how to exist going forward. Probably won't be on this platform much anymore, if at all. I'm rethinking my relationship to social media, as I know a lot of people are. Those who know me know how to get in touch with me. Otherwise, professionally, I can be contacted through Just take care of yourselves and the people in your circle as you figure things out. I'll add one thing. If you follow me, you know that my Mom died last June. She was born in Germany in 1938, and she left to come to this country in 1946. When Trump first came to power, one thing she said to me was "I've seen this movie before and I don't like it at all." She knew a fascist when she saw one. And as much as it still hurts that she's gone now, it's some small comfort that she didn't have to see this."
Jimmy Palmiotti: Woke up- turned on the TV. Not happy. Sad for the country. Replied to some upset friends overseas. Now back to bed.
Patch Zircher: We blew an opportunity to have a woman for President. Is that a reason to vote for someone? Well, when we have Never had one, it is. It would have done more for your sisters, friends, and daughters than you imagine.
Jim Steranko: TRUMP IS AMERICA'S PRESIDENT!!! And the BEST birthday present I could get! Thank you, Henchman Warriors, for your service, your loyalty, and your relentless Patriotism! And my terminal GRATITUDE for the tidal wave of personal birthday wishes! My pals—THE BROTHERHOOD!!! It is NOT about the politicians who serve their country, but the PATRIOTS WHO AIDE THEIR BROTHERS—no matter of creed, race, or color—to be safe and successful partners in THE AMERICAN DREAM! Divided, AMERICA collapses—UNITED, IT'S UNCONQUERABLE! Choose wisely, my friends!!!
Si Spurrier: Would be really nice if we could skip the part where everyone on the losing side spends 4 years blaming everyone else on the losing side for Not Doing It Right, and instead jump straight to the part where we all get back to work with teeth gritted to resist the f-cking monsters.
Jody Houser: For the trans and queer folks in particular who are terrified right now, please know that you were very much on the minds of so so many of us as we donated and campaigned and voted. And we will keep fighting for you to be able to live and thrive as yourselves.
Scott Dunbier: I'm numb.
Kev F Sutherland: It's like Deja vu all over again. I'm remembering how I woke up in a hotel to find that Donald Trump was president, one day in November 2016. I've looked back and found these, the comic covers drawn by me from suggestions by kids in my classes, in 2015 and 2016, featuring Donald Trump. He was an obsession then, and he's not so big with the kids now. Though, of course, any ten year old kid who was obsessed with Trump in 2016 would be old enough to vote now. I'm sure that explains nothing.
Ben Templesmith: It's going to be rough. But never, never never surrender. The public seem purely transactional. In this era. That works both ways in the end.
Mark Russell: I feel like maybe normalizing fascism for the last four years had something to do with this… Trump won with three million fewer votes than he got in 2020. Poor Democratic turnout tells the story. I know many of us were even more alarmed by Trump 2.0 than we were in 2016, but somewhere in the middle that sense that this was an emergency seems to have evaporated… I feel like the next two months need to be spent ceding as much federal control over blue states as possible back to those states and to the cities themselves. At least give us some buffer.
Jeff Parker: The important thing now is that we all tear each other apart and blame everyone who tried. That will make it easy to finish us off.
John Rozum: I don't know which is worse, not being able to see who he is and voting for him, or seeing who he is and voting for him anyway.
Darick Robertson: Decided to go to bed instead of watching the results. Had bad dreams of Trump winning and woke up to that reality. The house is silent as a wicked wind is blowing through the trees, making all the appropriate sounds. I really believed we were a better country. Owned… Never thought I'd be living through the prequel to "Soylent Green"
Ethan Sacks: This the very end of the 250-year Great American Experiment with democracy. What's coming is authoritarianism entrenched for a generation at least. Many Americans voted it away willingly not fully grasping the consequences. We will all be damaged by those consequences.
Gary Spencer Millidge: I'm a glass-is-half-full kinda guy, but this morning I've got nothing.
Alisa Kwitney: Our long national nightmare is…recurring. Donald Trump is as indefatigable as Freddy Krueger.
Jamie Smart: Imagine if you ran a branch of Greggs but you got fired for being corrupt. So one day you got everyone to storm Greggs and smash it up, and your only punishment is Greggs asking you back to run a Greggs again. That's basically America.
David Baddiel: Might be time to accept that people are more energised by hate than hope. Also that new media is more powerful than old. It just is. And, as it happens, really thrives on hate… Really wasn't expecting such a big victory last night for Vladimir Putin.
Andy Oliver: Apropos of nothing of course just a reminder that not all orange monsters are an existential threat to the future of humanity.
Yanick Paquette: How is this even real. Reality writers should be fired. It just make no sense, it's like they are not even trying. Wtf.
Mike Kupperman: I think the thing that really f-cked everything was not helping people recover from covid, letting price gouging run rampant, making ordinary people struggle while gaslighting them with propaganda about how the economy is actually doing great, stupid.
Heather Antos: What do we do now?
Jody E Houser: I wish I knew.
Jonathan Hedrick: Educate and reeducate.
Mark Brooks: Move. I'm seriously done. Looking at immigrating to various countries. Canada or New Zealand are presently at the top of the list. F-ck these dummies.
David Marquez: can't remember if we discussed this in ny, but yeah we've been eyeing Ireland (I'm a citizen through my mother).
Jonathan Christopher Matthewson: If you've ever posted negative views towards Trump online then the chances of you ever being allowed to visit the U.S. again in years to come are slim. Under his Dictatorship you'll probably be arrested at customs. No joke. Project 2025 lays it all out.
Regan Clem: Trump better finish his speech with, "Now I have to get to work implementing Project 2025."… This is a joke. I believe Project 2025 is a lie they used time and time again attaching to Trump. Sure, he may implement twenty percent of it or something, but he's letting RFK run wild on the regulatory agencies. We're hopefully going to stop corruption for a while. I hope we, our kids, and future generations benefit from this. It has nothing to do with Project 2025.
Mitch Gerads: My dog died and my country died on back-to-back days. Not ready to "dust myself off" just yet.
Lew Stringer: A victory for bigotry, cruelty, and stupidity.
Vince Underwood: I took my wife to work today. Not a normal part of our routine. So I'm not usually out driving as the sun hits a new day. The algorithm threw me 4 Non Blondes "What's Up" as I watch kids go to school, and people shuffle off to work and that's the moment where I finally broke down
Laurie Penny: This is worse than 2016. Americans knew exactly what they were voting for, or what they couldn't be bothered to stand against. I'm so, so sorry.
Armando Iannucci: Musk reminding us that Trump's near-total denial of the climate emergency means Earth is now on course to be completely f-cked.
Neil Gibbons: I reckon one depressing takeaway will be the democrats won't pick a female nominee this side of 2040
Butch Mapa: Heart goes out to the US, and the world. FWIW, some of us over here know what you're going through.
Chuck Satterlee: Goodbye overtime. Goodbye unions. Goodbye health care. Goodbye women's reproductive rights chances. Goodbye immigrant rights. Goodbye gay rights. Goodbye what was America.
Grace Randolph: gotta say; I'm managing to be pretty civil & fair tonight; so if some of u could tone down the sh-t face grinning replies it'd be appreciated. I understand wanting to celebrate, but this would be a great opportunity to prove you're NOT the negative stereotype. Thanks. and in the spirit of fairness, I will concede that it was correct that to choose a candidate not by primary was a mistake. And I'll be honest, I don't think a lot of these votes are for Trump I think they're for the Republican Party and against Democrats. A billion f-ckin' dollars down the drain
Paul Grist: Oh, America. You had a choice. Don't say you didn't have a choice.
Joseph P. Illidge: Not promoting any of my projects today. Thinking about you all. May we take care first and foremost, of ourselves and each other… …then get back to business.