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ComiXology Bestseller List, 21st April 2018 – When My Little Pony Beats Up Weapon H
Matthew Snyder writes:
Welcome to the Comixology Bestseller list, your guide to see how well your favorite titles are selling digitally. Every week I'll post the ranking of every new title, plus a ranking of the best selling volumes and graphic novels. As always, I hope you'll find it interesting and informative.
Two Superman titles in the top five: the much-anticipated Action Comics #1000 took the top spot (with an $8 price tag, compared to Batman's $3), and Superman #43 landed at No. 5. Since the beginning of the year, neither Action Comics or Superman has failed to make the top five in the new titles section. The new Brian Michael Bendis titles will have a high bar to live up to.
Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins has been a huge digital success. Based on the popular roleplaying podcast, Critical Role, and only available digitally, this surprise hit has managed to beat Mister Miracle. Can Dark Horse repeat this success with another podcast and/or YouTube series?
Don't look now, but Amazing Spider-Man has been slowly creeping up the rankings since the beginning of the year as it gets closer to #800.
For the first time, The Incredible Hulk ranked higher than Damage. While Incredible Hulk has gotten a small boost thanks to WWH II, Damage has now fallen into the 30's in its fourth month.
Am I the only one who thinks its funny a title starring a Hulk/Wolverine hybrid got beat by My Little Pony? I never know what expectations Marvel has for a book, but it probably wasn't that…
Top 25 Overall:
1. Action Comics #1000
2. Batman #45
3. Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins #6
4. Mister Miracle #8
5. Superman #45
6. Injustice 2 #54 (99 cent digital first)
7. Justice League #43
8. Amazing Spider-Man #799
9. Avengers #689
10. Super Sons #15
11. X-Men Gold #26
12. Infinity Countdown #2
13. Nightwing #43
14. Lazarus #27
15. Black Panther #172
16. Ms. Marvel #29
17. Star Wars: Poe Dameron #26
18. Green Lanterns #45
19. Aquaman #35
20. The Brave and the Bold: Batman & Wonder Woman #3
21. Daredevil #601
22. Descender #29
23. Batwoman #14
24. Domino #1
25. Black Hammer: Age of Doom #1
New Title Rankings:
1. Action Comics #1000
2. Batman #45
3. Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins #6
4. Mister Miracle #8
5. Superman #45
6. Injustice 2 #54 (99 cent digital first)
7. Justice League #43
8. Amazing Spider-Man #799
9. Avengers #689
10. Super Sons #15
11. X-Men Gold #26
12. Infinity Countdown #2
13. Nightwing #43
14. Lazarus #27
15. Black Panther #172
16. Ms. Marvel #29
17. Star Wars: Poe Dameron #26
18. Green Lanterns #45
19. Aquaman #35
20. The Brave and the Bold: Batman & Wonder Woman #3
21. Daredevil #601
22. Descender #29
23. Batwoman #14
24. Black Hammer: Age of Doom #1
25. Kick-Ass #3
26. Weapon X #16
27. Sonic the Hedgehog #3
28. The Incredible Hulk #715
29. Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #18
30. Damage #4
31. Batman: Creature of the Night #3
32. Cable #156
33. Venomized #3
34. Tales of Suspense #104
35. Stargate Universe #4 (Digital delay)
36. Star Trek: Boldly Go #18
37. Harley Quinn #42
38. Mage: The Hero Denied #8
39. Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #6
40. Iron Fist #80
41. John Wick #2
42. Skyward #1
43. Fence #5
44. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #65
45. Weapon H #2
46. Bombshells: United #34 (99 cent digital first)
47. Moonshine #9
48. Batman: Sins of the Father #6 (99 cent digital first)
49. James Bond: The Body #4
50. Star Trek: Discovery- Succession #1
51. Curse Words #13
52. Warframe #4
53. Deadman by Neal Adams #6
54. Infidel #2
55. Future Quest Presents #9
56. Cave Carson Has an Interstellar Eye #2
57. My Little Pony: Legends of Magic Annual 2018
58. Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #2
59. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #21
60. Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay #5 (99 cent digital first)
61. Rumble #5
62. Avengers: Back to Basics #4
63. MAD Magazine #1
64. Deathbed #3
65. Jughead: The Hunger #5
66. Raven: Year 2- Love and Revenge #7
67. Quantum and Woody! #5
68. Scooby Doo! Team-Up #73 (99 cent digital first)
69. Penny Dreadful #2.9
70. Ninjak vs. The Valiant Universe #4
71. Usagi Yojimbo: The Hidden #2
72. 30 Days of Night #5
73. Kong on the Planet of Apes #6
74. The Highest House #3
75. Empowered and Sistah Spooky's High School Hell #4
76. WWE #16
77. DC Superhero Girls: Spaced Out #11 (99 cent digital first)
78. Rough Riders: Ride or Die #3
79. The Further Adventures of Nick Wilson #4
80. Her Infernal Descent #1
81. Cerberus in Hell? #1
82. Mata Hari #3
83. Antar #1
84. Van Helsing vs. Robyn Hood #4
85. The Damned: Bad Ol' Days #9
86. Evolution #6
87. Vampblade Season 3 #2
88. G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero vs. The Six Million Dollar Man #3
89. Xena: Warrior Princess #3
90. Lucy Dreaming #2
91. Giants #5
92. Belle: Beast Hunter #3
93. The X-Files: Case Files- Florida Man #1
94. The Wonderful World of Tank Girl #4 (Digital delay)
95. Superb #9
96. The Crow: Memento Mori #2
97. Death of Love #3
98. Punks Not Dead #3
99. Assassinistas #4
100. Jupiter Jet #5
101. Jirni #2
102. Infinity 8 #2
103. The Spider King #3
Best Selling Collections & Graphic Novels:
1. All-Star Superman (70% off)
2. Superman- Action Comics (2016) Vol. 1: Path of Doom (62% off)
3. Elseworlds: Superman Vol. 1 (76% off)
4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 17: Desperate Measures (67% off)
5. Superman- Action Comics (2016) Vol. 4: The New World (54% off)
6. Kingdom Come: 20th Anniversary- Deluxe Edition (80% off)
7. Superman- Action Comics (2016) Vol. 3: Men of Steel (54% off)
8. Superman- Action Comics (2016) Vol. 2: Welcome to the Planet (50% off)
9. Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? (50% off)
10. Superman (2016) Vol. 4: Black Dawn (54% off)
11. Superman (2016) Vol. 3: Multiplicity (54% off)
12. Superman (2016) Vol. 1: Son of Superman (62% off)
13. Superman (2016) Vol. 2: Trials of the Super Son (54% off)
14. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 16: Chasing Phantoms (67% off)
15. The EC Chronicles: Tales from the Crypt Vol. 1
16. Superman: Birthright (54% off)
17. Doctor Strange (2015) Vol. 4: Mr. Misery
18. Doctor Strange (2015) Vol. 3: Blood in the After
19. Action Comics: 80 Years of Superman Deluxe Edition (20% off)
20. Superman: Secret Identity (54% off)
21. Saga Vol. 8 (21% off)
22. Doctor Strange (2015) Vol. 5: Secret Empire
23. Superman: The Death of Superman (2016 Edition) (54% off)
24. Doctor Strange: The Oath
25. Superman: Earth One Vol. 3 (60% off)
26. Doctor Strange (2015) Vol. 2: The Last Days of Magic
27. Superman: For All Seasons (54% off)
28. The EC Archives: Incredible Science Fiction
29. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 15: Leatherhead (67% off)
30. The EC Archives: Tales from the Crypt Vol. 2
31. Moebius Library: The World of Edena (80% off)
32. Superman Reborn (65% off)
33. Doctor Strange (2015) Vol. 1: The Way of the Weird
34. Superman: Earth One Vol. 1 (45% off)
35. Strange: The Doctor Is Out
36. Deadly Class Vol. 6: This is Not the End (69% off)
37. Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme Vol. 1: Out of Time
38. Superman: Last Son of Krypton (54% off)
39. Superman: Earth One Vol. 2 (50% off)
40. I Kill Giants (38% off)
41. The EC Archives: Tales from the Crypt Vol. 4
42. Secret Warriors (2008) Vol. 2: God of Fear, God of War
43. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1: Change is Constant (64% off)
44. Black Panther (2016) Vol. 4: Avengers of the New World Part 1 (64% off)
45. Strange: Beginnings and Endings
46. Super Sons (2017) Vol. 1: When I Grow Up (45% off)
47. Doctor Strange/Punisher: Magic Bullets
48. The EC Archives: Tales from the Crypt Vol. 5
49. Doctor Strange: Strange Origin
50. Secret Warriors (2008) Vol. 3: Wake the Beast