Posted in: Comics | Tagged: aquaman, Comics, cullen bunn, dc, dc comics, entertainment, twitter
Cullen Bunn Was Pushed Off Aquaman By Twitter
As part of a promotion for his Army Of Darkness comics being part of the Dynamite Humble Bundle, Cullen Bunn ran a AMA question and answer session on Reddit over on r/comicbooks.
Well… the number of books I'm writing is dropping drastically in the next few months.
Any in particular?
I will be ending my Aquaman run with issue 48.
As to why…
There are a number of reasons I left Aquaman. I actually quit the book before my first issue even came out. The reaction from fans was brutal and disheartening even before they read my first issue. My editor (who is great) asked me to stick with it, so I did. The fan reaction didn't improve. This was such a different take on the character, a lot of diehard Aquaman fans couldn't accept it. I was accused of not taking about the book, but every time I did, I got hate tweets and hate mail. I don't need that, and it kind of made me loathe the character. In the end, I think this wasn't the right story to tell with Aquaman, so I felt it was time for me to move on. Someone else can come on and be a hero.
There's a bunch of other stuff, too, but it's best we don;t dwell on it.
And as to the truncation of Green Lantern: Lost Army to being a six issue mini-series.
Lost Army went back and forth. When I took the assignment, I was pretty adamant that it needed 12 issues. Then it went to 6. Then up to 13. Then 6. Rollercoaster!
I had the story planned out for 13 issues, at which point it would have collided with Sinestro. I don;t know how much of my outline Tom [Tom Taylor, writing the sequel Green Lantern Corps story, Edge Of Oblivion] has seen. I really don't know much about the story ahead.
So what else for DC?
Only Sinestro for now.