Posted in: Comics | Tagged: cerebus, dave sim, spawn #10, spawn. dave sim, todd mcfarlane
Dave Sim to Publish Spawn #10 With New Covers
When Dave Sim abandoned his comic book project The Strange Death Of Alex Raymond, there were lots of questions to be asked and answered. And that is, apparently, what Dave Sim has done over a series of videos posted on YouTube by Matt Dow, that I will try to get round to watching/listening to. I promise. But it's late, I'm tired, and I'm not going to listen to Dave Sim going on about the only things he's ever done that anyone cares about are Cerebus #1, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover and Spawn #10 because it's bollocks.
But in the one of the videos, he does talk about one of those, Spawn #10. The comic he wrote, that Todd McFarlane drew (and that I have some fan artwork published in the back) and Image published in 1993, that saw Cerebus and Spawn meet in a meta-story about creator rights. Dave says;
Todd McFarlane and I have always had the reciprocal agreement that he can print Spawn #10 and sell it anywhere and not compensate me for Cerebus being in it and I can do Spawn #10 anytime that I want and not compensate Todd or Todd McFarlane production for having Spawn in it. We've decided to do a Waverely Press Spawn #10.
That's the local publisher he's been using for a lot of his Kickstartered work of late.
That happened just about simultaneously with getting lack and white scans of Todd's artwork from Spawn #10. Now it's a go.
I'm going to do new a new Spawn #10 cover, hopefully doing three Spawn #10 covers. I'm going to do Cerebus and Spawn on the cover but most of it is going to be the superhero arms sticking out through the bars and that I'm doing as Neal Adams and I've got all of my Neal Adams out that I'm doing through the magnifying glass. I've got a splash page of Deadman, a splash page of Strange Adventures that I remember vividly, I can finally see it in black and white and not on cheap newsprint…
And which point he starts talking about pen nibs and process information regarding Neal Adams of the time, but we also learn he has had two of the Spawn #10 covers done.
You can listen yourself right here. I will try and catch up with what's going on The Strange Death Of Alex Raymond at some point – unless someone would like to listen to all two hours of it for me. But until then, here's that arms-through-bars that he talks about.