Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: 5g, dc comics, first 5g rumours
DC's 5G Comics Still Going Full Steam Ahead – Launch in October?
The departure of Dan DiDio as DC Publisher over the weekend has left many wondering what this might mean for the planned 5G/Generation Five relaunch of the DC Universe. Which would have Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Diana and the rest aged out of their roles and replaced with new characters under old names, gathering a huge amount of attention – while tales of the classic characters would play out in premium prestige titles.
Truth is, I didn't know myself. Dan DiDio was so much behind that move, but it was signed off by the top bods at Warner/AT&T and even without its champion, momentum is strong. I am told that worried creators who have been working on the new 5G titles for some time, under editor Brian Cunningham, have been told it is full speed ahead on all their comics. The plan is to announce at San Diego Comic Con and launch in October, with half a year's worth of comics already completed.
However, the absence of DiDio may mean that if Generation Five comes to a natural end, it may be replaced sooner that later, lacking someone with an ideological dedication to The New in charge.
But, of course, while everyone is looking to Generation Five, they may be missing the real DC Big Change. Bleeding Cool will be attempting to talk about this more through the week, ahead of C2E2. Keep an eye on this tag as the week plays out…