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DC Comics Offer Dan Mora Superman Standee To Comic Shops

DC Comics offers a Dan Mora Superman standee to comic shops who stock up on discounted Superman collections ahead of the movie

Article Summary

  • DC Comics offers a Dan Mora Superman standee to retailers who stock up on discounted collections.
  • Standee and 8-pocket display feature art, fit 24 graphic novels or 120 comics; orders by March 4.
  • Retailers buying 60+ titles get a free standee; option to buy individually for $150.
  • Superman Day on April 18 celebrates with exclusive editions and special releases.

DC Comics is offering comic book retailers a new Superman graphic novel display featuring art by Superman artist Dan Mora, alongside a massive sale of Superman collected editions. The Superman display arrives with both the book pockets display and the character standee. The display measures 30" x 20" x 71". The 8-pocket display can fit approximately 24 standard or deluxe graphic novels, or 120 comic books. Retailers who order at least 60 copies of a list of 80 titles will receive one free Superman display and character standee, and the titles will be available for an additional 10% off.

It is worth noting that All Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely has currently sold out and is being reprinted, but retailers can still order copies in trade paperback on backorder for the incentive.  All orders for this title will be fulfilled once the warehouse receives the new printing and it will be invoiced at the sale price. For all other titles, this offer is valid while supplies last. Additionally, retailers can order a standee individually for $150.

Free shipping is for US retailers only. The cost of shipping the standees will be free to US retailers at DC's cost.  The books will arrive in the retailer's weekly Lunar shipment at the normal shipping cost. The standee should arrive in stores around the 9th of April and orders for the standee must be placed by the 4th of March.

DC Comics Offer Dan Mora Superman Standee To Comic Shops
DC Comics Offer Dan Mora Superman Standee

The 18th of April, 1938, was the publication date for Action Comics #1, and this 18th of April 2025, it is Superman Day, and DC Comics has curated a list of Superman Day exclusive titles featuring the Man of Steel:

  • All-Star Superman Deluxe Superman Day Edition hardcover (new dust jacket featuring art by Frank Quitely)
  • Superman Unchained Deluxe Superman Day Edition hardcover (new dust jacket featuring art by Jim Lee)
  • All-Star Superman #1 Special Edition by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely
  • Superman For All Seasons Book One Special Edition by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
  • An excerpt of the upcoming middle-grade graphic novel Jimmy Olsen's SuperCyclopedia by Gabe Soria and Sandy Jarrell
  • Action Comics #1 Golden Age–Size Facsimile Edition featuring an homage cover by superstar artist Dan Mora

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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