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Digital Vertical Comics Publisher Fable Launches At MCM With Ram V

Digital vertical comics publisher Fable soft-launches at MCM London Comic Con tomorrow with Ram V Signing at the show

Article Summary

  • Fable, new digital vertical comics app, launches at MCM London Comic Con.
  • Platform allows vertical-scrolling comics reading and creator playlists.
  • CEO Michael Nakan aims to showcase UK talent and expand globally.
  • Ram V to sign at Fable booth; app features networking and referral rewards.

Envision Entertainment are heading to MCM London Comic Con this weekend for the soft-launch of their new digital comics platform, Fable. Previously highlighted by Bleeding Cool at previous MCM events, Fable is a digital comics reader for vertical-scrolling on mobile phones, developed from the ground up, both for readers and creators, available on Apple and Android.

  • By converting comics to vertical-scrolling "Fables" that can be accessed wherever you are.
  • Empowering users to build and share "playlists" which highlight their favourite titles and creators.
  • Hosting networking events to connect creators with wider media professionals and opportunities.

"Fable is the result of extensive research and coordination with creators at various levels to create a satisfying smartphone reading experience," says Envision CEO and Founder, Michael Nakan. "We aim to lean into our Britishness and showcase the amazing talent we have in the UK, before expanding our offering into Europe, the US, Japan and beyond. We passionately believe that comics are the purest form of visual storytelling, and that we have some of the world's greatest storytellers right here in Britain. Our ambition is to help these creators reach a global audience."

DIgital Vertical Comics Publisher Fable Launches At MCM With Ram V

The team will be showcasing the latest version of the app for early adopters to try out, with free comics from various creators, as well as presenting the concept in a panel discussion in the Industry Room at MCM London Comic Con tomorrow, Friday, the 24th of May from 3 to 3.40 pm. The panel will be hosted by former Bleeding Cool contributor and Orbital Comics manager Chris Thompson with Fable CEO and founder Michael Nakan, producer David Barron, writer/director Olufikayo Ziki Adeola, creator/screenwriter Simon Lewis, and Titan Comics editor Phoebe Hedges about the potential of the platform and the future of comics.

"There's a natural cynicism towards digital comics, which is one I honestly share," adds Thompson, who joined the Fable team recently, "but there's no denying the growing audience of readers on smartphones who have been trained to consume media in that way. If we can reach those people and show them the power of comics to delight and entertain then it can only be a good thing. And for those, like me, who are still wading through a never-ending to-be-read pile, we now have a way to play catch up and make the most of our time on the go."

"Aside from its intuitive vertical-scrolling reading experience, Fable sets itself apart through the use of individual "playlists" where creators – and soon enough fans – can showcase their favourite titles and creators, in order to give them a signal boost. That signal will be further enhanced through Envision Entertainment's contacts in wider media – giving creators a chance to meet and engage with professionals from other forms of media for crossover and collaboration opportunities. These will happen on a bespoke basis, as well as being facilitated through special networking events the team will host later this year."

"We're a small and proud British company, and we believe the UK has some of the best creatives and fans in the world," adds Nakan. "While comics have undoubtedly gripped the world through film, television and video games, that passion and audience hasn't always flowed back to the comics themselves. We're trying o change that: if we work together, we can create a global pop culture revolution with comics at its heart."

The Fable booth at MCM London Comic Con will be at booth N2059 where they can sign up as early adopters on the platform, and enjoy the first wave of free comics, as well as other rewards. One of the creators who features on the app, Ram V – who started his comics career cutting up print comics for digital formats on the former bespoke digital comics platform Sequential will be signing limited edition art cards at the booth after the panel on Friday afternoon. More titles and chapters will be added each week to encourage regular visits – and the team will be unveiling prizes for referrals to the app and its waiting list, as well as launching a Discord server where fans, creators and the team can engage directly.

DIgital Vertical Comics Publisher Fable Launches At MCM With Ram V

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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