Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Batman, Batman Vs Robin, batspoilers, dc comics, lazarus planet
Does Batman With Dr Fate's Helmet On Create Lazarus Planet? (Spoilers)
Yesterday DC Comics tweeted out this following image from tomorrow's Batman V Robin #4 by Mark Waid and Mahmud Asrar, saying "On Tuesday, it begins. #DawnOfDC"
Yes, that's Batman wearing the Helmet of Doctor Fate, complete with Bat ears.
But what's that all about? Well, that's what Bleeding Cool is here for. Or picking up the comic book tomorrow. Your call. Maybe both? Batman V Robin #5 is there to kick off the Lazarus Planet event. As all know, during this event, Dpctor Fate's helmet has been used to absorb the powers and personalities.of all manner of supernatural and superpowered folks.
And in tomorrow's Batman V Robin #4, it's time for the Devil Nezha to put the helmet and take the powers on himself. And it would have worked too, if it wasn't for those pesky parents of Damian Wayne.
And changes for Batman to match the helmet to his own visage. The ears are merely how the helmet reacts to Batman. Batman needs bat ears, the helmet provides them.
Of course, they also provide handy hooks for when the Devil Nezha wants them back.
But you know what happens when kids battle over presents they have received on Christmas Day, right?
It breaks. And when it breaks and falls into a handy dandy Lazarus Pit, full of all those powers and personalities absorbed from the DC Comics magical power set as a whole? Well, you've seen that Lazarus Planet image going around, right?
Everything goes boom. And that is, presumably, how there are suddenly hundreds or thousands of people around the world who all gain superpowers overnight. And it's all down to Nezha and Batman's inability to grab hold of Dr Fate's helmet. Fnarr, fnarr as they say in Viz Comic.
(W) Mark Waid (A/CA) Mahmud Asrar
As the final battle erupts between Batman and Robin at the heart of Lazarus Island, a strange tremor rocks the combatants to their senses… This isn't an island at all–it's a volcano! With the Devil Nezha pulling the strings and unbelievable transformative power about to explode out into the world, our heroes have no choice but to do the unthinkable–fall back! A battle between father and son goes global as the Earth enters into the Lazarus Planet… Retail: $5.99 In-Store Date: 12/20/2022
(W) Mark Waid, Gene Luen Yang (A) Riccardo Federici, Billy Tan, Various (CA) David Marquez – Alejandro Sanchez
CHANGE THE WORLD. Following the explosive (literally) events of Batman vs. Robin #4, the Lazarus Volcano has erupted, spewing dangerous and transformative chemicals into Earth's atmosphere! As these Lazarus clouds rain down upon the planet, people across the globe begin to develop strange new abilities, watch their already-extraordinary abilities change, and witness a whole host of chaos unlike anything the DCU has experienced before! It's up to Damian Wayne to put out the distress call for whoever can still hear it: come to the ruins of the Hall of Justice and help save the world! Poison Ivy, Power Girl, Cyborg, Batman, and more answer the call…but why could the fate of all life as we know it rest in the hands of…Monkey Prince?
Retail: $5.99 In-Store Date: 1/10/2023