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Every Artists Alley Booth At MCM London Con, And Then Some, Over 300

Every Artists Alley Booth At MCM London Con October 2024, And Then Some... Over 300 Photos To Browse Through...

Article Summary

  • Explore over 300 photos from MCM London Comic Con 2024's vibrant Artists Alley.
  • Despite WiFi woes, vendors saw massive sales and a bustling crowd.
  • MCM London 2024 drew over 100,000 attendees, with notable media presence.
  • Anticipate upgrades for MCM 2025 based on 2024's tremendous success.

Well, that took all of Sunday. Pretty much every Artists Alley booth at MCM London Comic Con October 2024 that I could find. And asking all of them if it was okay to take their photo at the booth. And a 99% agreement rate! I'm a little bit tired now. But I was buoyed by those who were happy to see me again, and some for the first time who said they got the idea of what to do when first appearing at the show from these very galleries that they are now in. I might not do this again, though; my legs are very tired, and my voice has just disappeared once more. Sorry Thought Bubble, MCM got to me first.

Talking to vendors was a monster of a show. Lots of sales, lots of sellouts, lots of people filling their boots. One vendor told me the second he opened his booth, he had people on him, and they didn't let off. People were out and ready to spend cash, and that's what they did. Sometimes they didn't have a choice as the biggest complaint was the WiFi going down, even the expensive one they paid for, so they could make card, bank transfer or PayPal sales. However, that issue is with the ExCel venue rather than the convention.

MCM had an attendance of over 100,000 at the show, and for what may be the first time, there was a lot of media trying to get in but who couldn't get passes. Expect the show to up that for next year and the BBC (who did get in, along with Bleeding Cool) was everywhere (hello Newsbeat!) and I hear the Diamond Retailer Day from the spring show may also be getting an upgrade for 2025 closer to what New York Comic Con did this year…

Right time to get out there again. I have cosplay photos to shoot and then lots of comics to read on my trip home…




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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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