DC changes format of DC Pride for 5th Anniversary with Tim Sheridan, Vita Ayala, Josh Trujillo, Skylar Patridge, AL Kaplan, Max Sarin and more
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, guy fawkes, sopa, v for vendetta
And Finally… Polish Politicians Go V For Vendetta
It cannot be too firmly stressed that Guy Fawkes was a religious terrorist who tried to blow up the Houses Of Parliament. Just saying.
Anyway, the Polish Government's vote to sign the controversial copyright legistaltion Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, amid wide protests, caused a number of Polish politicians to take to the benches in V For Vendetta Guy Fawkes masks.
Not they're not even the the offiical Warner Bros masks, they're photocopied knock offs. I do hope that was deliberate.

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