Hello BC readers, it’s been a while. I’ve been off working on comics (The Freeze Vol 1 trade from Image Comics/Top Cow is in stores now…) but after
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Adriano Batista, Comics, dynamite, entertainment, garth ennis, humble bundle, jennifer blood
Free On Bleeding Cool – Jennifer Blood #4 By Gart Ennis And Adriano Batista
To help promote the Garth Ennis themed Humble Bundle going on now, Dynamite Entertainment has sent over a free comic. Jennifer Blood #4 by Ennis and Adriano Batista with a cover by Tim Bradstreet. The 'pay what you want' portion of the bundle includes six issues in the trade Jennifer Blood: A Woman's Work Is Never Done, plus they've added issues of Red Team to the offer that already included The Boys, Battlefields and The Shadow.
In the issue below Jennifer Blood is a suburban wife and mom by day, and a ruthless vigilante by night! This issue…enter the Three Ninjettes!

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