Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Batman, canada, Comics, entertainment, komico, Montreal
What Happens When You Burn Batman #23 And #25…
This is what happens to a Batman #23 and a Batman #25 after they've been in a fire…
There are some things that even CGC can't quite protect against. We reported on Montreal's oldest comic shop, Komico, being caught up in a street fire before Christmas. The owner posted a series of posts on Facebook, describing their progress.
Little bit of good news for our regular customers…..despite being in the back where the majority of the damage was….our computer and everybody`s reserve lists are intact!
Rising from the ashes like a Phoenix………The New Komico will be located at 4960 Decarie Blvd. People will be able to come pick up reserves starting this Wednesday…..though we will only have this weeks books. If you would like to lend us a hand…picking up your books on Wednesday would go a long way in helping us get back on our feet!
This week's reserves are ready to go, and can be picked up starting tomorrow. The shop is a work in progress, I am working around painters and some other folks, so please bear with us. Shelving will be put up on Friday and the rest of the shop should start looking good after this weekend. Thanks for following our progress, we are busting our a**es getting the place ship shape. It should look great when it's all done!
We will be open today from 12 noon till 5pm, once again only for this week's reserves and this week's new arrivals. Painters are finishing up today. We should be putting all the shelving up later today, and loading up the shop with whatever did not get damaged tomorrow, so that by next Monday we should be fully operational !!!
Tomorrow is moving in day. If anyone would like to lend a hand, we will be starting at noon. Shouldn't be as difficult as moving out, as there are only 6 steps to negotiate. Today as well, we made the list of everything that needs to be re-ordered for the reserves, things should start to trickle in during the next 2 to 3 weeks. Thanks so much for being patient with us with regards to waiting for your stuff!
we got quite a bit done today, and I would think we will be operating at 90% by Wednesday, the rest will come slowly. We will have this week's new books on the shelves Wednesday, come on by and see us!
And finally…
Anyone have a contact in the signage business?
Komico are back in business, baby! That's if folk can find them.