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Hero Hype – Comic Cons Still Going On in Florida This Summer

Florida is a state with coronavirus case spiking but also one of the more opened-up states in the US, and happy to run comic book and pop culture conventions, certainly more than anyone else right now. Blogger Tom Croom has been embedded and reporting to his readers about the kind of risks being taken, and we have highlighted his reports before.

Hero Hype - Comic Cons Still Going On in Florida.
Hero Hype – Comic Cons Still Going On in Florida. Photos by Tom Croom.

Last weekend Croom went to Hero Hype Tampa, in Florida as the previously scheduled Orlando Animeday had a last-minute cancellation. The website of Hero Hype Tampa stated that "Everyone is required to wear a mask at all times during the event. Bring own gloves and hand sanitizer (if needed). Temperature check each time you enter the event. Keep social distance of 6ft apart All backpacks, purses, bags must be clear (transparent) to avoid any contact when checking in. Everyone will be checked with metal detectors each time you enter the event." But how was that carried out in the field?

The attendees standing at the table were wearing their masks. The staffer, however, had his mask pulled down around his neck… Regarding the staffer: I saw him again a few more times while at the event, but never with his mask on.

However this may have been an aberration.

Unlike the event I had attended the weekend before, Hero Hype Tampa had signs set up with arrows indicating one way flow for attendees to follow. This was set up in two of the three event rooms: Dealers and Video Games.

The third room, Main Events, did not appear to having any social distancing elements in place. However, social distancing didn't seem like much of a challenge since the event was never packed. It was pretty easy to avoid one another while walking around the Vendors Room

And capitalism, of course.

Hero Hype - Comic Cons Still Going On in Florida.
Hero Hype – Comic Cons Still Going On in Florida. Photos by Tom Croom.

There was a vendor selling "geek" themed masks at the convention (photo) – a trend I assume we'll see plenty of as cons start to operate again. I bought 3 for $12.

And overall, given the circumstances, he was a lot happier with this show that with the one a week previous.

No convention is going to get this perfect, but Hero Hype Tampa did seem to have attendees' safety in mind with their policies. It will be interesting to see if this trend continues or, with the recent surge in cases in Florida, if the other summer pop culture events cancel like Orlando AnimeDay.

And here's the big one yet to come. However, despite their former bravado, this show has now been cancelled until July 2021. Hero Hype Orlando is on July 18th.

Hero Hype - Comic Cons Still Going On in Florida.
Hero Hype – Comic Cons Still Going On in Florida. Photos by Tom Croom.

Thanks to Tom Croom for giving us an embedded viewpoint.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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