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He's Been Inside Amy Schumer, Now Crowdfunding Graphic Novel Neurocron

Daniel Powell has been Inside Amy Schumer, won an Emmy and Peabody, and is now crowdfunding his graphic novel Neurocron.

Daniel Powell has been Inside Amy Schumer and won an Emmy and Peabody for co-creating the show. So why is he slumming it in comic books with co-writer Erin Foley-Chan and artist Dennis Calero? Beats me. Also, why does he need to crowdfund for the collection of his comic book Neurocron from Invader Comics, with all of that sweet, sweet Amy Schumer Emmy money? Well, a) it didn't stop Keanu Reeves from doing it and he's richer than Ike Perlmutter, b) it was a decade ago. Still, Powell is also an executive producer, creator, and writer on the likes of Life & Beth, Amy Schumer: Emergency Contact, Fantasma, I Think You Should Leave With Tim Robinson and City Island. So what was it that first attracted the comic book publisher Invader Comics to the Hollywood executive producer, director, writer and walking talking TV and film contact list that is Daniel Powell?


"As soon as Neurocron came across my desk, I knew it was something we had to publish," says Invader Comics editor-in-chief, Michael Perkins. "We're always on the look-out for fresh, new and exciting approaches to comics – and Daniel's concept immediately grabbed me, leaving me hungry for more. Seeing the way Erin, Dennis and Dezi brought the story to life only sealed the deal for me – and it seems, based on people's reaction to the single issues, that I'm not the only one."

And also that he might be able to get some headlines from Daniel's CV on IMDB. Just don't get it mixed up with that of the cameraman Daniel Powell as the Emmys have.

And look, it worked. Neurocron has an elevator pitch of "William Gibson meets Philip K. Dick in a dystopian future built on biotech" which sounds rather wrist-slashing, if you're not into that. Even if you are, I guess. It continues as "a sci-fi noir thriller which melds the flashy neon world of Blade Runner with the seedy underbelly of Cyberpunk 2077 to create something instantly recognisable yet thoroughly new."

"What starts as a seemingly random murder in the area known as the Techslum, turns out to be much more than it appears, when the corpse is discovered to be enhanced with illegal biotech. As investigating FBI agent Vera Morales uncovers the victim's connection to a reclusive techno-cultist, she becomes embroiled in a conspiracy that could very well change the course of human evolution. With all the clues pointing to a leading weapons developer, can Vera find him and solve the mystery before humanity as we know it passes the point of no return?"

"Drawing inspiration from the rich worlds of Philip K. Dick, William Gibson, and other cyberpunk geniuses, Neurocron blew up on the shelves when it was first released earlier this year. Now, Invader Comics are collecting the entire series into one sleek edition, which is available digitally or as a limited edition print version featuring a brand new cover designed by Mike Nelsen, based on Calero's interior art."

I have to say, it really did not blow up on the shelves. Copies are still available through Diamond Comic Distributors and on eBay for cover price.

"I love the cyberpunk sensibility of this book, and the way it twists and turns throughout," adds Perkins. "This is a perfect representation of what Invader Comics is all about – and the kind of creativity we like to showcase – even though it's like nothing else in our catalogue. It's our hope that people will be able to recognise and appreciate an Invader book immediately – not because it's from a particular genre, or the same group of creators, but because there's a seal of quality implied by our logo on the cover. Neurocron deserves that badge and then some, so it's an honor to add it to the range. All sci-fi/cyberpunk enthusiasts NEED to check it out!"

The Neurocron collection has reached its aim on Kickstarter, with $2375 of its $1000 goal, from 69 donors so far. I know, I know, 69. Go on, make it 70 and spare their blushes. Here's a preview of the book…


Invader Invader Invader Invader Invader Invader Invader Invader Invader

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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