Hello BC readers, it’s been a while. I’ve been off working on comics (The Freeze Vol 1 trade from Image Comics/Top Cow is in stores now…) but after
Posted in: Comics, Halloween | Tagged: army of darkness, Comics, dynamite, entertainment, Jethro Morales, mark rahner, vampirella
Jethro Morales' Process Art For Vampirella / Army Of Darkness #3
The third issue of Dynamite's four-part miniseries Vampirella / Army of Darkness is due out this week and we have a look at some of the process art by Jethro Morales. This is based on a script by Mark Rahner.
Ash's pals in 1300 A.D. are so happy to meet Vampirella that they introduce her to a friend of their own: Black Friar Thomas, who wants to put her on trial as a witch! That is, a trial by ordeal! And with the massive Deadite onslaught imminent, what better time?
For more on Vampirella / Army of Darkness #3, click here.

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