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The Lex Luthor Family Expands As Well- Superman #850 Spoilers
In the solicits for Superman #7 or #850, DC promise "Lex Luthor is visited by a blast from his past. One that will impact his future forever"
In the solicitations for Superman #7 or #850, depending on how you want to count it, DC Comics promised "Lex Luthor is visited by a blast from his past. One that will impact his future forever." Though folks who saw the solicitation for Superman #8 knew what was coming. "How does that impact Lex Luthor's plans…or is Lex too busy dealing with the shocking return of his mother in Superman #850?"
In earlier versions of the Superman stories, Luthor's parents, Lionel and Letitia Luthor, died when he was a teenager, and in some of those, that Luthor arranged their deaths. In others, they left and took new identities after Lex Luthor became a super criminal. In others, Lionel Luthor was involved in events that investigating the Totality would lead to the emergence of Perpetua. But of Letitia Luthor… very little. And that, it seems, is deliberate. Everyone thought she died…
Yes, yes, she looks a little like Rogue, the white stripe in the reddish/brown hair, the green and white colour scheme. But she's not the only member of LEx Luthor's family who is making a surprise appearance in this issue.
Lena Luthor was originally introduced as Lex Luthor's younger sister, in the sixties, though this fact was hidden from her, when her parents went on the run.. In the New 52, she was revived as a paraplegic despite Lex's attempts to cure her. DC Rebirth saw her gain psychic powers, and creating powered clones of herself, before being locked up by Lexcorp.
But there is another Lena Luthor, the daughter of Lex and the immortal being Contessa Erica Del Portenza, who Lex keeps drugged and unconscious. Lena was aged to adolescence by Brainiac 13, and ends up playing both sides of that rivalry, before being regressed to infanthood. But she hasn't been around for a while. Looks like she's back…
Maybe just a little less green. And she's a fan of Dinah Prince's Black Canaries, it seems.
(W) Joshua Williamson (A) Gleb Melnikov, Dan Jurgens, Various (CA) Jamal Campbell
AN OVERSIZE ANNIVERSARY ISSUE CELEBRATING THE MAN OF STEEL AND HIS LEGACY! Superman #850! A special oversize issue celebrating Superman and his super-legacy! Since the start of Superman #1 and Dawn of DC, a mystery has been brewing in Metropolis. Now that mystery's secrets are unleashed, with startling revelations that set up a massive story in 2024! The Chained continues as Superman battles against an overpowered new menace who wants to destroy Metropolis! Superman must decide if he is willing to follow Lex's tragic orders to take the Chained down! And Lex Luthor is visited by a blast from his past. One that will impact his future forever. Retail: $5.99SUPERMAN #8 CVR A JAMAL CAMPBELL
(W) Joshua Williamson (A) Gleb Melnikov (CA) Jamal Campbell
POWERLESS! Superman versus the Chained concludes! One of the biggest battles Metropolis has ever witnessed comes down to Superman doing the unthinkable and sacrificing his powers to stop the Chained. How does that impact Lex Luthor's plans…or is Lex too busy dealing with the shocking return of his mother in Superman #850?! Retail: $4.99SUPERMAN #9 CVR A JAMAL CAMPBELL
(W) Joshua Williamson (A) Bruno Redondo (CA) Jamal Campbell
SUPER-ARMOR! Superman's battle with the Chained has left him wounded in unexpected ways, but the Lex Luthor Revenge Squad is still forming! To save Metropolis, Superman has no choice but to put on a special armor built by Lex! Featuring artwork from Eisner Award-winning Nightwing artist Bruno Redondo! Retail: $4.99