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Marcel Dupree and the Multiple Kickstarter Comic Book Campaigns
Kickstarter and other crowd-funding companies have created a new revenue and publishing stream for comic book creators. It can be used to sidestep distributors and retailers, allowing individuals to back comics they like the look of, pre-order them and receive them directly. But it is common in comics publishers for small press publishers that much may go wrong. Delays are the big bugbear and on Kickstarter, combined with fulfilment issues, it's normal for the estimated delivery date to be a work of fiction, Lateness comes with the territory. But there;'s a difference between that and non-delivery – and a Kickstarter funded project that suddenly stops talking to the people who have backed it and are now wondering where their stuff is.
Marcel Dupree is a comic book creator/publisher with multiple accounts on Kickstarter, running simultaneous campaigns for different titles, but it seems many aren't getting what they donated towards. With backer messages and e-mails being ignored. Collaborators on his projects have also been subject to people asking them where their stuff is – and they have no idea. And in one case, they really don't want to know.
He has four accounts I have been able to identify, PoM, SFC, Evoluzione Publishing, and Harpies. Kickstarter is meant to restrict people to running one crowdfunder at a time. Here are a number of past campaigns. The comments speak for themselves, we'll include the most recent five of each.
The PowerVerse – estimated delivery December 2017
Density Media Superbacker 19 days ago DO NOT BACK ANYTHING BY THESE PEOPLE! This KS is a Joke, and they had the audacity to launch Issue @ under a new company banner while not delivering issue #1 or responding.
Anthony Eames Superbacker 30 days ago Any update yet? Is this ever going to ship?
Andy Freeman 4 months ago I still haven't received my books. I can't possibly make a pledge to fund issue 2 when I still haven't had the first one delivered.
JCSuperbacker 3 months ago Considering how long ago these were supposed to have shipped I don't think we're going to get them.
Terence Awolola 2 months ago I also haven't received anything. I'm under the impression that mistakes were made in fulfilment, because some people have their issues and others don't. I also can't back #2 for this reason.
Angelica Reigns #1, estimated delivery August 2017 and Angelica Reigns #2, estimated delivery July 2018. This one has the artist on the comic trying to field questions, and passing them to the publisher, Marcel. Angelica Reigns: The Faith #3 was estimated for delivery last month,
And all others who have not gotten book 1 or 2. I can't legally send you AR books because I do not own Angelica, been over and over about this with a lawyer but I can send you my own — that's the advice I've been given. So if you would like Issue 1 akd 2 of America's Kingdom I can send you (all of you) that.
Angelica 3 is my script unfortunately but I had nothing to do with the Kickstarter. It was used against my wishes.
(More) i have no power in this — I reached out to a few and I was going to order books myself with my own money and send but on advise of my lawyer was told not to —to abate contact etc. My email etc was purged of SFC accounts and my KS account will be next as I totally disassociate my name…
AR 3 is my script but I had no involvement in that at all — asked not to be tagged in posts etc. My script was used but I did not receive any payment for it. All I can offer all of you legally is my own books — I can send EVERYONE who did not get AR 1 or 2 …
Kasia Homecoming #1, estimated delivery April 2018.
Lawrence Bell Superbacker 22 days ago Still waiting for the physical rewards. Anybody know WTF is going on since I never get a response to my questions?
Lawrence Bell Superbacker about 1 month ago Is there any update on this shipping yet? I just saw this book for sale on IndyPlanet! I would have thought we would have the books first before selling them elsewhere. What's going on here????
Blake Macauley Superbacker 2 months ago Hi I was wondering if there was any update please
SFCCreator 10 months ago Rewards have not went out yet. They will be going on soon.
Delilah Blast #1, estimated delivery July 2017.
Tim Von Cloedt Superbacker 7 months ago Ok guys, where is my reward that supposedly shipped out two months ago?
Torrie Smith Superbacker 7 months ago Hello. I also am still waiting on the physical rewards, despite everything supposedly shipping out in April. Is there any chance we could get an update for those of us that have not received our books/prints?
Rylee 8 months ago Hi. I still haven't received my physical copy as well and I was wondering if there was updates.
Sean Michael James Forde 9 months ago So far only one person in the public comments stated they have received their package. Any updates?
Sally Warren 9 months ago Hello. It has been about a month since you said that the comics were mailed out but I have not received mine yet. Do you have any tracking information that can be sent to us?
Adam Fulton Superbacker 10 months ago Still waiting on those physical rewards…
Armor #1-3, estimated July 2018
David Froom Jr Superbacker about 2 months ago I just got mine today along with my replacement comics for backing the Infinite Punishment campaign and they were all in less than ideal condition.
Lawrence Bell Superbacker 3 months ago Any new updates on this project? Last update was way back in June with the books at the printer. They should have finished printing a few months ago and then shipped. What's going on?
Sean Michael James Forde 3 months ago Another creator who is showing little to no respect for their backers. I can't say that I will ever backing this creator ever again.
David Froom Jr Superbacker 3 months ago I was told by the creator they should have already shipped and mine supposedly was being shipped like 2 weeks ago from two vendors. Once from him self and the others from indyplanet since he didn't have more of the comic on hand but still nothing has arrived.
The Gentleman #1: Darkness of the Void estimated delivery September 2018
Ryan Sutcliffe Superbacker 4 days ago I've had a second one sent out (as the first hasn't arrived) and was told it would take about 10 days…that was 13 days ago. Getting concerned now :-(
Paul Dulski 7 days ago I received my copy of The Gentlemen today, so I hope it'll be any day for you guys still waiting.
Ryan Sutcliffe Superbacker 20 days ago has anyone got their book or managed to get a response via message/email? I'm having no luck at all! :-(
Paul Dulski 16 days ago I only got the digital copy, otherwise physicals seem "lost" at this point in time, plus I loved how they said if no one has gotten there copies by whenever they said it to email them. Haven't gotten anything back, I actually put a note to my pledge stating to NEVER back these guys again.
Shaun Lamonte Bonner 26 days ago I forgot I funded this and I see no one has gotten their books.
Ryan Sutcliffe Superbacker about 1 month ago Ive sent a private message and 3 emails and not had a reply yet and still nothing has arrived 😞
Paul Dulski about 2 months ago Still haven't received physical copy, and all the books were shipped out via before after Thanksgiving? And it's ALMOST Christmas and New Years. Refund me.
And Harpies #3, estimated delivery Dec 2018 is having similar issues for some. Marcel is currently running three campaigns through three different accounts, Ex Mortis #1, Armor #4 and Harpies #2.
And he has plans to launch another two campaigns later this week:
He's admitted to having "100's of PMs" from people on Facebook that he just can't keep up with "because he's just a one man company". There do seem to be issues here. So I contacted Marcel who told me,
I would like to apologize to those who have not received their packages yet. It's not due to me taking funds and running. I am a one man operation that has over extended himself. As being a one man operation, things tend to slip through the cracks or minor set backs delay the delivery of product. A lot of our supporters are returned backers, if backers aren't receiving their products they wouldn't be returning. I appreciate all of those whom have supported us in the past and hope that you continue to do. We have taken the necessary steps to improve our delivery issues. I am deeply embarrassed by the situation and am working to fix it.
I might suggest not strarting new projects until previous ones have been fulfilled. That;s one of the reasons why Kickstarter limits people to running one fundraiser at a time. Marcel tells me,
If you have yet to receive an order feel free to let me know at
Feel free to cc in and I'll keep an eye on what happens. And if you are suffering any such non-fulfillment that has reached epic proportions, get in touch as well.