Posted in: Comics, Image, Netflix | Tagged: image comics, magic order, Mark Millar, netflix, starlight
Mark Millar Owns Up To Fake Granny Reviewer As A Witch Casts A Spell
Every now and the Mark Millar confesses to his fake news and media scams taking advantage of tame journalists who don't ask too many questions. In his newsletter, he talked about hi faked Kick Ass street video and his faked Obama-reading-Superior photos. He didn't mention the lies that Eminem was to star in a movie version of Wanted, and the journalists he used to get that story momentum, his seemingly non-existent trip to Detroit for MPH, his faked Times Square photos for Nemesis, or the way he got ReedPOP to buy a hundred thousand copies of the launch issue of The Magic Order at heavy discount, before later destroying them, so that he could claim it was the biggest selling creator-owned launch in decades.
But, while launching The Magic Order Vol 2#1 out today, he has finally confessed to faking the Starlight Tattooed Granny videos we exposed seven years ago purportedly one Elizabeth Hodge who reviewed comics and was so excited about the upcoming Starlight comic that she got the cover tattooed on her back. And was reported without question by the likes of Blake Northcott for CBS – though independently the website would add a poll as to whether it was real or not. She would later be employed by Millarworld in an editorial capacity. After the expose, Elizabeth Hodge disappeared. And now Mark Millar has coughed to it.
…or the Scottish grandmother reviewing Starlight a little while later, my friend Julia's mother gamely posing for not only a video waxing lyrical about Goran Parlov, but also getting a fake tattoo for the big finale. This amazing woman was actually one of Scottish Television's first ever producers and, I think, the first voice on Scottish Radio Clyde back in the 60s. She was fantastic and did all this in one take. Watch it 'til the end as it's an absolute beaut. We're putting the Starlight movie together right now, of course, with the great Joe Cornish writing and directing…
We noted that the location for filming her fake reviews to promote Starlight was also one of Mark Millar's family homes. As Mark Millar once told his audience,
"within a twenty-four hour news cycle you will get the gag exposed and thus get two news-spikes in the same day, the cost minimal to nothing. As your career progresses you will hopefully have mainstream attention and movie rights to help sell your story in the mainstream for launch (which goes everywhere and is the best friend you'll ever have in selling your books), but in the meantime just have a little fun with this stuff as every person talking about the outrageousness of your marketing is essentially advertising your book."
But not that he is part of Netflix? The rules are different, and he has got The Scottish Sun newspaper (he says The Sun, but you can't tell the difference online, a trick he has used a number of times) to run a story about the Scottish white witch Pauline Reid casting a spell for the readers of the first issue of Magic Order Vol 2 #1 out today and that "her spell brings good luck to every single person who touches a copy of issue one this week. I didn't want to make buying the book a precondition of the good luck spell as not everyone has the cash. But even touching it in your local store will do and as Pauline says in her interview with The Sun this always works best when the thing you wish for is something that helps other people so keep that in mind as you close your eyes and make one."
Mark Millar told the tame Sun hack that "I used to love free gifts we got with comics like The Beano when I was a kid – so what could be better than a free spell from a real witch?" and Pauline, who is based on the Isle of Arran, adds "Spells that are cast for good always work better than those cast for evil – so I've only cast good luck spells for the comic. I'm a real-life witch – I refuse to do love spells but have cursed my enemies. In my experience spells that I've cast to help my friends are the most successful, so I would urge Mark's readers to use their spells wisely and to help others."
Will he still get away with this trick once he has moved from Scotland to Surrey as he has promised?
(W) Mark Millar (A/CA) Stuart Immonen
A magical turf war like you've never seen before! The London chapter of the Magic Order has entered the scene, and these tough Guy Ritchie-style gangsters have a problem with the Eastern European Warlocks moving into their territory. Can new leader Cordelia Moonstone keep the peace Celebrate Halloween with the return of your favorite horror series, sequel to the smash-hit first volume by MARK MILLAR and OLIVIER COIPEL. This new arc is drawn by the peerless STUART IMMONEN (Empress, Star Wars, New Avengers) and is set to be as massive and captivating as the first. In Shops: Nov 03, 2021 SRP: $3.99