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Mark Millar & Pepe Larraz's Big Game- Aliens, Elon & Covid Conspiracy
Big Game #1 by Mark Millar and Pepe Larraz, the massive Millarworld crossover series dropped a couple of hours ago on Amazon Kindle.
Big Game #1 by Mark Millar and Pepe Larraz, the massive Millarworld crossover series between all the Mark Millar Netflix-owned comic books aside from Unfunnies and War Heroes, dropped a couple of hours ago on Amazon Kindle. So where are all the Millarworldians at?
Nemesis Reloaded by Millar and Jorge Jimenez was revealed to have had nothing to do with the original Nemesis series by Millar and Steve McNiven. Instead it was set up as a sequel to Wanted, twenty-odd years later, and Big Game picks up where they dropped off. And the idea that the Bad Guys killed off all the superheroes ages ago, and made everyone forget. But that it is all starting to unravel somewhat. Oh and yes, everything bad happening in the world is created by an evil cartel, with Eminem – I mean Wesley Gibson at the top of it now.
Starlight turned out all right, even if no one told Mark Millar that they don't do Deliveroo over there in America, especially not in New Hampton.
Because the Starlight aliens turned up and everything is fine. This is a world that knows aliens are out there.
Prodigy is doing his best to be Elon Musk. Stick a pin in that, because just as aliens are in humanity's future…
So they are in humanity's past. Even as they uncover a new prehistoric civilisation with aliens and humans together. Could it happen again? It's all very Jack Kirby Moon Boy And Devil Dinosaur isn't it?
The Ambassadors are out and about, with their new Pakistan security. and Choon-He still running the show of International Rescue Superheroes, independent of world government. Oh and as for that Elon Musk mention earlier?
Mark Millar blocks me there, so I wouldn't know. But we do get to check in with Kick-Ass who seems to be taking responsibility for the world as it becoming. Might that not put a target on his head from Wesley Gibson? He does, after all, want to join the Ambassadors.
But it does suggest that as well as the Ambassadors, the superhero vampires of Night Club and the time traveller Chrononauts are also public knowledge.
A short-order chef? That's not Dave Lizewski, Kick-Ass. That's Frank Darbo from James Gunn's early movie Super which came out the same year as the Kick-Ass movie.
So Prodigy and the Ambassadors are being hunted by Wesley Gibson, Nemesis and the Wanted Syndicate. But why Prodigy specifically?
Mark Millar has never met a conspiracy he didn't love, must have been all that time hanging our with David Icke, and putting masonic symbols though his Superman and Justice League comic books. So of course, in this world, Prodigy created the Omicron variant of COVID-19 to take out the pandemic which itself was a huge plot by the bad guys. And the woman driving the car? We never did see what happened to the Millarworld Wonder Woman analogue… just to Superman, Batman and Green Lantern. The Big Game will continue…
(W) Mark Millar (A/CA) Pepe Larraz
MINISERIES PREMIERE The comics event of the summer is here! Okay, this is so top secret we can't even show you the main cover because it spoils something MASSIVE. Just trust us when we say that this is going to be the comic book event of 2023-and it's NOT what you're expecting. Does the crossover really go that wide? Yes, it does. BIG GAME pulls together KICK-ASS, KINGSMAN, NEMESIS, THE MAGIC ORDER, and ALL the Millarworld franchises in one special event. This must be ordered like CRAZY!In Shops: Jul 19, 2023
SRP: $4.99
(W) Mark Millar (A/CA) Pepe Larraz
It's Nemesis versus the Ambassadors, the Night Club, the Magic Order, Kingsman, and every single Millarworld creation you have ever known and loved over the years. This book is a BLOODBATH drawn by the biggest artist working in comics right now that continues the comic book event of 2023 with over twenty Millarworld franchises SMASHED together.In Shops: Aug 23, 2023
SRP: $4.99
(W) Mark Millar (A/CA) Pepe Larraz
Nemesis is murdering his way through all your favorite Millarworld characters. The Chrononauts are down, but now Kick-Ass, Hit-Girl, and Huck are in his sights. Will the Kingsman spy organization be able to stop him before he follows through on his master's wishes to wipe every single super off the face of the Earth?In Shops: Sep 20, 2023
SRP: $4.99