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Dupuis Takes Back The Marsupilami
Dupuis, one of France's largest comic book publishers, is buying out and taking control of Marsu-Productions.
Marsu was founded by the creator Andre Franquin, who worked on the Spirou strip, which named the long standing anthology French comic of legend, published by Dupuis.
Franquin fell out with Dupuis and, unable to take Spirou with him, created a new series for a rival publisher, Modest & Pompon. Later, he would Marsu-Productions imprint to publish the adventures of Marsupilami, who appeard in Spirou but for whom he kept the publishing rights. The imprint would publish a hundred and fifty different titles, and Marsupilami made it to twenty-seven volumes, and span off into Marsu-Kids and Gaston. On his death, the company continued publishing new works.
And through a variety of deals, found themselves a subsidiary of Media-Participations – which also owns Depuis.Maybe critics believe Spirous lost something without the Marsupilami, but also that their solo series was pretty dreadful. Now the two can be joined together again…
We may also see the revival of Franquin's other major creation, Gaston Lagaffe.