Posted in: Comics, Comics Publishers, Current News, Marvel Comics | Tagged: alan davis, Alison Gill
Marvel Publishes Tribute To Alison Gill On Her Retirement From Comics
In today's Marvel Comics, they are publishing a tribute to Alison Gill, who has retired after forty years in comics, drawn by Alan Davis.
Article Summary
- Marvel celebrates Alison Gill's retirement with a special Alan Davis tribute.
- Gill ends her 40-year comics career, including 24 years at DC Comics.
- She pioneered innovative printing techniques like glow-in-the-dark covers.
- Gill's role was pivotal to DC, surviving major layoffs to continue production.
In today's Marvel Comics titles, Marvel is publishing a tribute to Alison Gill, who has retired after forty years in comics, drawn by Alan Davis, including any of the characters at Marvel that they worked on together – including Miracleman, reflecting Alison's early work with publisher Dez Skinn.
Earlier this year, Bleeding Cool broke the news, that Alison Gill, one of the longest-standing employees of the comic book industry, would be taking retirement after 24 years at DC Comics, and 40 years in the comics industry as a whole.
British-born, she studied at the University of Arts in London and worked at Marvel UK from 1982 on production for, amongst other publications, Doctor Who Magazine. Moving to New York, she was made Manufacturing Liaison at Marvel Comics in the eighties/nineties – she basically got the comic books printed. And was also behind Marvel's move into die-cut, glow-in-the-dark, embossed and holo-foil covers during the nineties at a time when no one did that sort of thing, courtesy of a strong relationship with printers.
Then in 1999, she jumped to DC Comics, where she stayed for 24 years, first as Executive Director of Production, then promoted to SVP Manufacturing & Operations in 2010. At the time, then-publisher Dan DiDio stated, "Alison's been critical in not only finding the most efficient manufacturing methods for DC Comics but also the ones that make the least impact on our environment," said DiDio, "We take great pride in Alison's efforts to ensure that we are always exploring the most eco-friendly publishing options in the industry." Alison Gill made the big move from New York to Burbank and survived the previous DC Comics bloodbath and mass firings. She became one of the three most senior figures at DC in 2019, in charge of Production and Manufacturing. The other two, Bob Harras and Hank Kanalz, were both laid off in 2020, Gill survived, her skillset considered absolutely essential to the continuance of DC Comics.