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Midnighter 2021 Annual #1 Preview: Midnighter Gets Timey Wimey

Midnighter 2021 Annual #1 is in stores from DC Comics on Tuesday, as Midnighter finds himself trapped in a time paradox, having switched places with his past self and now getting back to the point where his future self in the body of his past self has to switch places with his now past future self again. Will Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad, and Michael Avon Oeming do a better job of explaining that than we did? Find out on Tuesday and check out the preview below.

DC Comics
(W) Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad (A/CA) Michael Avon Oeming
The big finish to the adventure starting all the way back in the conclusion of Future State: Superman: Worlds of War. Midnighter traveled into the future to help get himself out of a jam, only to swap places with his future self. Now, the Midnighter from the future finds himself trapped in a paradox, working his way back to his onetime present to swap places again. Don't worry if you're confused—so is he! The key to this whole thing is Andrej Trojan, the nefarious industrialist who tried using Superman's mission on Warworld to his own end. Midnighter has been carrying Trojan's robotic skull with him, hunting for the 2021 iteration of the man, and shutting his whole company down before any of this trouble even starts. Finishing the serial, which runs in the back of Action Comics, this time-travel escapade also leads into Superman and the Authority!
In Shops: 8/31/2021
SRP: $5.99

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Jude TerrorAbout Jude Terror

A prophecy claims that in the comic book industry's darkest days, a hero would come to lead the people through a plague of overpriced floppies, incentive variant covers, #1 issue reboots, and super-mega-crossover events. Unfortunately, nobody can tell when the comics industry has reached its "darkest days" because it somehow keeps finding new lows to sink to. No matter! Jude Terror stands vigilant, bringing the snarkiest of comic book and pro wrestling clickbait to the undeserving readers of Bleeding Cool.
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