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My Cute Crossdresser And See Me After Class
By Cameron Hatheway,
Be extremely careful what you wish for. I learned this the hard way when joking about tentacle porn on Twitter several months ago with Yoko, Digital Manga's Sales Manager. Little did I know she would send me a box of hentai manga to review, and since I'm always up for a challenge, I did not stray from my mission.
When I posted a picture of the bounty of books I received on Facebook, a majority of my friends questioned my reading habits, and I'm pretty sure I'm no longer welcome in a few people's homes. While I've never actively sought out manga hentai before, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth when it it's shipped right to my door (the manga, not the horse).
So maybe this column will be a regular thing, maybe it won't. The goal is to take the illustrations and stories as seriously as possible, before I can't keep a straight face any longer and burst into a fit of the giggles. Some of you may have read or heard of these titles before, but I'm assuming a majority of you have not.
Oh and before we continue forth, allow me to explain what hentai is before you immediately regret reading any further;
Hentai (adj) – noting or pertaining to a subgenre of Japanese manga, anime, computer games, etc., characterized by explicit sexual themes and imagery.
So basically, it's for adults (18+) and you shouldn't be buying this for your kids (they'll find it for free on 4chan anyway).
My Cute Crossdresser, by Mitohi Matsumoto
This collection consists of five stories, the main story "Decoy" focusing on two teens trying to catch perverts red-handed in the subway cars. The decoy, Fujimura, has made it his mission to help reduce his dad's stress (who works for the subway line) by dressing up as a girl and taking pictures as evidence of perverts groping women on the crowded cars. Normally the female victims are too ashamed and embarrassed to report the molestation, so Fujimura decides he'll dress the part and gladly report any perverts to the authorities.
Immediately his cover is blown when his classmate "Kei" Kawahara recognizes how out of place he looks in the schoolgirl outfit, and decides to help him catch perverts because his three sisters also use the subway. Kei lends Fujimura women's magazines to study from, and slowly but surely Kei finds himself dreaming about Fujimura, for he's becoming cuter and cuter every single day.
Eventually the duo start getting enough evidence to catch perverts, and soon the catch their first one. Kei's sisters think he's dating Fujimura, and even hand him a condom just in case. Kei is embarrassed by keeping Fujimura's secret, but he's also becoming more flustered about the feelings he feels towards him. After Fujimura starts becoming more frequently hit-on by other men, Kei feels the need to protect Fujimura and keep him all to himself, feelings be damned.
It was a pretty tame main story overall, focusing on young love rather than hardcore pornography.
Similar themes were dealt with in the stories "Spilled Milk," "An Angel's Flight," and "Actress," but it was the final story "Leo and the Night Sky of Summer" in which things got a little more interesting.
In "Leo" two astronomy club members meet on a rooftop to star gaze. Leo is new to the club, and the Captain of the club arrives first with a bundle of costumes. He instructs Leo to try on several different scantily clad outfits with the goal being to trick aliens into rescuing one of their own, then they would document the existence of aliens, and forever go down in history for their achievement.
Leo tries on several different bizarre outfits, some highlighting the bulge in his shorts better than others. The tail on one of the costumes wasn't sewn on in time, so the Captain rather forcefully shoves the tail up Leo's ass, making him immediately regret participating in the first place. The aliens finally come when the Captain has a eureka moment to dress up as an alien too and disappears for a second. Leo is abducted, and thoroughly probed by alien tentacles as they wrap around his entire body. Bottom, penis, torso, and mouth all feel the wrath of the probing tentacles, as Leo is then delivered back to Earth and the aliens begin their research on the boy-girl earthlings.
When transitioning from one story to the next, it was sometimes hard to know when that change occurred. Chapter headings didn't exactly standout, and the characters all relatively looked the same at times. Also whenever a kiss happened in a story, the stickiness of the saliva was definitely highlighted.
So if you like bulges, a little bondage, and dudes kissing other dudes when they're dressed up as girls, My Cute Crossdresser is definitely the hentai manga for you.
3 out of 5 tentacles.
See Me After Class Vol. 1, by Munyu
Wow, so some erotic situations definitely occur in this series with plenty of nudity too. Scholarship student Yuuki Kagami is forced to live in the girls' dormitory due to a clerical error by Ms. Anya, a young teacher at the school. Because it was Ms. Anya's fault, she volunteers to bunk with Yuuki to look after him and make sure he doesn't become a sex-crazed deviant and mess around with the other girls in the dorm. The principal has made it perfectly clear that if Yuuki is caught messing around whatsoever, he's to be expelled immediately. This was the furthest thing from Yuuki's mind, but like a good boy goes along with it all anyway.
To keep from being expelled, Yuuki must dress up as a girl to use the bath and eat in the cafeteria at all times. Apparently crossdressing is big in Japan? Ms. Anya changes with Yuuki to keep from embarrassing him, and her Size-J breasts are on display for a good majority of the story. Surely her poor back must always be in pain, for those chesticles are ginormous.
Making sure Yuuki doesn't get too stressed from not having any dirty magazines, Ms. Anya demands that he spank her hard. Yuuki complies, and it's pretty apparent Ms. Anya is falling for Yuuki, and wants to be more than just student and teacher. She looks forward to sleeping in the same bed with Yuuki, and starts to become very protective of him when another girl starts getting interested.
Risa Takabane, or "Rissy" to her friends, has no desire for Yuuki. But for Yuuki's female alter ego, 'Yuki,' she's very interested in becoming more than just friends. Yuuki bumps into Rissy in the bath one night, and Rissy gets handsy very quickly with the shy Yuki. It's up to Ms. Anya to separate the two, and she and Rissy wrestle naked.
By this time, Rissy starts to get suspicious of Yuki and Yuuki, and quickly discovers the inappropriate relationship between Yuuki and Ms. Anya. To keep from being expelled, Yuuki spills the beans to Rissy, giving her the upper hand. To Rissy, Yuuki has to do whatever she says, with him being the slave and she being the master. Since they are now in a master-slave relationship, first order of business is to room together, but not if Ms. Anya has anything to say about it as the first volume ends on quite the titillating cliffhanger.
There were several instances of naked wrestling, giant breasts bursting forth, and close-ups of vaginas without details. If I recall, there's some rule in certain hentai that the vagina can't be shown, so sure enough in this book in particular every time a vagina was flashed, it resembled the same blank genitalia that can be found on a Barbie doll. That might be enough for some people, but I honestly didn't see what the big deal was if everything else from the breasts, cumshots, and excessive saliva were fair game.
Overall, I found myself weirdly intrigued in seeing where the story continues in the second volume. Will Yuuki be caught up in a threesome with Ms. Anya and Rissy? Will the paperwork ever get corrected and he'll get shipped-off to a boys dormitory? Will Ms. Anya get much needed breast reduction surgery? Only time will tell.
5 out of 5 tentacles.
Cameron Hatheway is the host of Cammy's Comic Corner and Arts & Entertainment Editor of the Sonoma State STAR. You can see if he shares a crossdressing fetish on Twitter @CamComicCorner.